Our People
Residential Colleges Leadership

Roshaunda Ross-Orta
Director of Upper-Division Engagement
Oliver C. Carmichael College and Rothschild College
Faculty Leadership
Faculty living on The Ingram Commons and in the upper-division residential colleges serve a vital role in carrying out the academic strategic plan of Vanderbilt University. Our faculty leaders represent all four undergraduate schools (A&S, Blair, Engineering, and Peabody), the Owen Graduate School of Management and the School of Medicine. Among them are noted researchers, scholars, writers and award-winning teachers. They are real people with an array of backgrounds, interests, experiences and professional accomplishments. Seventeen faculty members reside in the residential college system, including ten faculty heads of house, six faculty heads of college and the dean of The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons.
Each of the sixteen faculty heads resides year-round in an apartment within their respective house or college. Some of the faculty heads are single, others live with their families, including young children, teenagers, family members and pets. They continue to teach classes and do their research and administrative work. They are also present in the house or college as its faculty mentor, role model and guide who shapes the living and learning community of the house or college. They oversee a programming budget and work closely with their house programming advisory council or college council to create innovative, challenging and fun programs that enrich the educational experience of the students in their community.
Faculty Heads of House
Faculty Heads of College
Professional Staff
Professional staff in Residential Colleges support the academic mission of the university and the six pillars of the residential college system through intentional programmatic and leadership development initiatives. Our programs are designed to both challenge and support students as they navigate their academic and co-curricular experience at Vanderbilt, and our goal is to connect students with valuable resources and learning opportunities that will help them achieve their academic and personal goals. Staff members plan, coordinate, and lead a number of programs and initiatives including but not limited to:
- International Student Orientation
- CommonVU Orientation
- Transfer Student Orientation
- Extended Orientation & Vanderbilt Visions
- House/College Student Governance
- Residential Colleges Lecture Series
- Community-wide Programs
- The Commons Cup & the College Cup

Chang Kyu Jung
Program Coordinator
E. Bronson Ingram College, Moore College, Nicholas S. Zeppos College, & Warren College

Chad Novak
Senior Program Coordinator
Memorial House, North House, Stambaugh House, & Sutherland House
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