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VIIBRE - In the News

Wikswo and VIIBRE team on track to build third-generation 'self-driving lab' with $1M from National Science Foundation   (Vanderbilt Research News)
"Harnessing novel technology licensed from the Vanderbilt Institute for Integrative Biosystems Research and Education (VIIBRE)", CN Bio launches Oncology Service that offers a new approach to accelerate the development of cancer therapeutics.
(CN Bio press release October 5, 2021)
Despite limitations of pandemic, research continues in Arts and Science, Nursing   / John Wikswo, College of Arts and Science: Advancing research into SARS-CoV-2
(MyVU news, February 17, 2021)
NCATS Suports (VIIBRE's) Award-Winning Technology for Drug Development
(NCATS Features and Briefs, March 2018)
Neurosurgen and electrical engineer walk into a lab..
VIIBRE's John Wikswo consults with Penn State team "developing unique technologies to sense and stimulate individual cells of the brain without invasive electrodes."
(Science Daily, May 16, 2016)
Tissue engineering: Organs from the lab
(Nature 522, 373-377, June 18, 2015)
Honey, I shrunk the lungs
(Nature 519, S16-S18, March 26, 2015)
Vanderbilt and Pittsburgh to lead new center to test toxic chemicals
(Research News@Vanderbilt, March 25, 2015)
Biodefense researchers seek "Homo chippiens"
( Nature  News, February 17, 2015)
KIYATEC Licenses Miniature Pumps and Valves System
(CTTC News Blog, February 5, 2015)
Vanderbilt 10 Cool Inventions of 2014 (#8)
(CTTC News Blog, January 18, 2015)
NIH Funds Next Phase of Tissue Chip for Drug Screening Program 
(NIH News & Events, September 23, 2014)
Microphysiological Systems Will Revolutionize Experimental Biology & Medicine
(EurekAlert, September 2, 2014)
World Eyes ATHENA Project  
(LANL Community Connections, August 1, 2014)
Micro-organs to shape the future of personalised medicine
Reuters,  April 17, 2014
Artificial Human Tissues Could Replace Animals in Drug Tests
(Engineering, March 28, 2014)
"Homo Minutus" Evolves as a Benchtop Human in Lab
(GEN News, March 27, 2014)
Significant progress toward creating “benchtop human” reported
(Vanderbilt News, March 27, 2014)
ATHENA desktop human “body” could reduce need for animal drug tests
(Los Alamos National Laboratory Newsroom, March 26, 2014)
Vanderbilt awarded $16.5 million agreement to determine how toxic agents affect human cells
(Vanderbilt News, March 3, 2014)
Chemistry: Chance encounter helps solidify rare internship opportunity
(Waynesburg University Blog, January, 2014)
Of Mice and Micro-Organs
(New Yorker, 2013)
Device to mimic brain to test drug therapies
(USA Today, 2012)
US-Public Health Authority Promotes Animal-Free Test Models with $70 Million
(Ärzte gegen Tierversuche e.V., Germany, 2012)
Odd Technique #44: Organ-Biochips
(Technik-Specials. Germany, 2012)
Federal Agencies Kick Off $132 Million Effort to Create ‘Human on a Chip’
(NBCNews 2, 2012)
A Sliver of Human Brain in A Chip, and Other Organ Stimulators
(Popular Science, 2012)
’Organ Chips’ Could Replace Animal Experiments
(Care2, 2012)
Tiny brain, huge potential
(ddn - Drug Discovery News, September, 2012)
Vanderbilt-Led Team to Develop ‘Microbrain’ to Improve Drug Testing
(Vanderbilt News, 2012)
Wilemon, Tom. “Vanderbilt Team Develops ‘Microbrain’ in Quest for Life-Saving Drugs.” Tennessean 10 Aug. 2012. Print.
VIIBRE recipient of one of seventeen 2012 Tissue Chip Project Awards "for research projects designed to create 3-D chips with living cells and tissues.
(NCATS - National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, 2012)
VIIBRE's SyBBURE Searle undergraduate research initiative "prepares students... for careers in research."
(Vanderbilt Arts and Science Magazine, Spring, 2012)
SyBBURE Searle undergraduate research initiative is a "Hothouse for Scientists" giving undergraduates valuable research experience and is helping launch careers in research.
(Vanderbilt Magazine, Spring, 2012)
VIIBRE's John Wikswo and Jerry Jenkins of the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology in Huntsville, AL offer a test for Eureqa software.
(Science News, 181(1) p.20 January 14, 2012)
Our paper, Automated refinement and inference of analytical models for metabolic networks , has been listed on Physical Biology's Highlights of 2011 page , highlighting papers "selected for their presentation of outstanding new research", which received "the highest praise from our international referees and the highest number of downloads" during the year.
Seven Vanderbilt University Faculty Honored by AAAS Scientific Society
(Research News @ Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt University, 2011)
Robot biologist solves complex problem from scratch .
(Research News @ Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt University, October 13, 2011)*
*Credit for the
Microformulator in the story goes to SyBBURE student Will Matloff
VIIBRE researching the possibility that white blood cells retain chemical memories of drug and alcohol use.
(Arts and Science Magazine, Vanderbilt University, Spring, 2010)
Researchers Develop Innovative Imaging System to Study Sudden Cardiac Arrest
(NIH News, October 30, 2009)
VIIBRE Faculty Fellow "receives grant to develop animal testing alternative .
MyVU , Vanderbilt University, August 14, 2009)
VIIBRE's work focusing on technologies to aid in cancer research .
(, July/August 2009)
John Wikswo receives funding from The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
(National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, NIH, June 4, 2009)
SyBBURE student, Arunan Skandarajah , awarded Founder's Medal
(Vanderbilt View, June 2009)
VIIBRE team "invents the world's smallest version of the periscope"
(Exploration, Vanderbilt's online research magazine - February 25, 2009)
VIIBRE "scientists have detected previously unnoticed chemical signals that individual cells in the immune system use to communicate with each other over short distances"
(Exploration, Vanderbilt's online research magazine - September 9, 2008)
Vanderbilt research targets chemical and biological weapon detection
(Vanderbilt Research News - 2007)
VIIBRE opens the door to new technologies
(A&S Cornerstone Story - 2005)
A portable detector for HIV-AIDS, measles and other infectious diseases is the object of a new university-industry collaboration
(Research News @ Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt University, 2005)
VIIBRE research highlighted in The Geeks of War
Edwards,J . Bio-Detection With Living Cells. In: Geeks of War, AMACOM, New York, 171-174, 2005 )
New device can help defend against novel biological agents
(Vanderbilt Exploration Story - 2004 )
Pria Diagnostics and Vanderbilt University Begin Collaboration for Bioweapons Detection and Medical Diagnostics
(PR Newswire story - 2004)
Biodefense expert describes on technology development to combat bioterrorism
(Vanderbilt Register story - 2002)