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VIIBRE - Presentations 

 Selected talks and lectures 

The Homunculi and I: Lessons from Building Organs on Chips 

Video: YouTube Link
Slide Set: PDF
Presented by John Wikswo at the TEDxNashville, April 6, 2013.

Closing the hermeneutic circle of biology: systems biology, organs-on-chips, mass spectrometry, synthetic biology, and robot scientists .
Presented by John Wikswo at IEBMC 2022, International Experimental Biology & Medicine Conference, Regerative medicine, April 30, 2022

Engineering Challenges for Instrumenting and Controlling Integrated Organ-on-Chip Systems.
Presented by John Wikswo at the IEEE-EMBS Micro- and Nanoengineering in Medicine Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, December 3-7, 2012.

SyBBURE : Systems Biology and Undergraduate Research Experience. (pdf - 5.2mb)
Presented by John Wikswo to the Parents Leadership Panel on Transinstitutional Initiatives, September 2006.

Where should we look for our keys
Presented by John Wikswo at the Keck Foundation Roundtable Discussion on the Future of Science in Los Angeles, May, 2006.

The need for dynamic sensing and control of cells to specify and validate systems biology models
Presented by John Wikswo at the Systems Biology Lecture Series, University of Michigan, November 2004.

Instrumentation Challenges for Systems Biology . (ppt - 51mb) PDF (11mb - no animations)
Keynote Lecture, Third IEEE Sensors Conference, Vienna, Austria, October 24-27, 2004.

BioMEMS BioMEMS for Instrumenting and Controlling the Single Cell. (ppt - 38mb) PDF (8mb)
Presented by John Wikswo at the Workshop on Microanalytical Devices for Bioprocessing, IEEE EMBS Conference, San Francisco, CA, September 2004.

Need for Cellular and Molecular Sensors and Actuators . (ppt - 38mb) PDF (8mb - no animations)
Presented by John Wikswo at the Mini-Symposium: Biomolecular Processors through Micro- and Nanotechnology, EMBS IEEE Conference, San Francisco, CA, September 2004.

VIIBRE, Vanderbilt Institute for Integrative Biosystems Research and Education and the Cellular Instrumention and Control Project .
Presented by John Wikswo and Franz Baudenbacher at Vanderbilt Nanodays, October 2002. (May require IE 5.0 or later)

Experimental and Computational Requirements for Post-Genomic Integrative Cellular Physiology .
Presented by John P. Wikswo, Intel Workshop on Early Disease Detection, San Francisco, CA September, 2002.