VIIBRE - Accomplishments
To date, VIIBRE has:
- Contributed to the recruitment, professional development, and/or research capabilities of 13 faculty members, including 7 tenure-track assistant professors.
- Raised $66,770,298 with 55 external grants and contracts to support VIIBRE-initiated or VIIBRE-specific research.
- Produced broad faculty involvement: 55 Faculty Fellows in 25 departments and centers at Vanderbilt, and 26 external collaborations at national and international universities, federal agencies, and private companies.
- Provided funding or research resulting in more than 150 research articles published in peer-reviewed journals, approximately 25 letters, comments, application notes and methods papers, and book chapters published, and 25 patents issued and pending as a direct result of VIIBRE activities. (This list does not include unrelated publications by VIIBRE-associated faculty.)
- Established two shared resource laboratories and created new devices for the study of cellular metabolic dynamics and signaling, chemotaxis and haptotaxis , development, angiogenesis, and cancer growth and metastasis.
- Microfabrication Core with its microfluidics facilities and training that are unique at Vanderbilt
- Automated Biosystems Core with its seamlessly interfaced high-content screening confocal microscope and HTS/HCS image analysis software programs.
- Launched SyBBURE: a major undergraduate, summer-plus-academic-year research program funded by an Gideon Searle, a Vanderbilt alumnus, and the Provost since 2006.
- Created undergraduate courses and labs in experimental systems biology and BioMEMS.
- Trained 28 postdocs, 48 graduate students, and more than 170 undergraduates.