Home > Developing Mathematics for Modeling > Measurement


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  • A fraction signifies a quotient, interpreted as a functional relationship between a/b.
    • Identify and represent, with words, pictures, situations involving "a" measured in "b."
    • Use "b" as a measure of "a," and express the measure as a fraction. For example, 10/3 means to measure 10 in units of 3, so that the result is 10/3.
    • "a" copies of measure of "b," and express the copies as a fraction. For example, ¾ means 3 copies of the ¼ measure (1 measured in 4 expressed in the previous learning performance)
    • Establish equivalence as equal measure.
    • Use equivalence to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.
    • Interpret fractions as signifying a functional relationship.
  • A fraction signifies a part of a whole. Fractions of the form a/b, where a < b can are interpreted as "a" count of "b" parts.
    • Identify and represent, with words or pictures, situations involving simple part-whole relationships
    • Use a part to measure the whole, and express the measure as a multiple of parts
    • Order simple fractional magnitudes along a number-line.
    • Establish equivalence as equivalence between parts of the same whole.
    • Use equivalence
  • A fraction signifies particular images (like a candy bar split in half) but otherwise does not behave as a number.
Last Updated: March 30, 2005
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