Home > Developing Mathematics for Modeling > Measurement


    Progress Map
    Distribution of Repeated Measures
  • Spread of measures is indexed by considering the sampling distribution. (E.g. range is more susceptible to sampling variation than mid-50 or related indicators)
    • Students predict effect on distribution of changes in the precision of measure.
    • Students predict effect on statistics of center and spread of changes in the precision of measure.
  • A sampling distribution characterizes sample-to-sample variation in repeated measures.
  • Center of density can be indicated by median, mean.
    • Students interpret center as best estimate of true length.
  • Repeated measures can be characterized by density.
    • Students construct bins or intervals, so that measurements are characterized by relative frequency.
    • Students characterize the shape of the data, noting clumps and holes.
    • The measurements are divided into regions characterized by ratios of observations to total sample size.
    • Students characterize the shape of the data, noting regions described as ratios of observations to total.
  • There are multiple sources of these differences: individual differences, tools, and methods.
  • Repeated measures of the same magnitude result in different measures.
Last Updated: March 30, 2005
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