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Living State Physics Publications Archive

2003-1997 1996-1991 1990-1985 1984-1977

A Quasi-One-Dimensional Theory for Anisotropic Propagation of Excitation in Cardiac Muscle, J. Wu, E.A. Johnson, and J.M. Kootsey, Biophys. J., 71: 2427-2439 (1996). DOI

A Two-Dimensional Simulation of the Effects of Late Stimulation on a Cardiac Action Potential, J.P. Barach, Computers and Biomed. Res., 29: 373-381 (1996). DOI

Simulation Calculations of Cardiac Virtual Cathode Effects, J.P. Barach, Computers and Biomed. Res., 29: 77-84 (1996). DOI

Magnetoenterography (MENG): Noninvasive Measurement of Bioelectric Activity in Human Small Intestine, W.O. Richards, L.A. Bradshaw, D.J. Staton, C.L. Garrard, F. Liu, S. Buchanan, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 41(12): 2293-2301 (1996). DOI

Detection of Parasites in Fish by Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Magnetometry, W.G. Jenks, C.G. Bublitz, G.S. Choudhury, Y.P. Ma, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Journal of Food Science, 61(5): 865-869 (1996). DOI

A Simple Integrated Circuit Model of Propagation Along an Excitable Axon, P.H. Bunton, W.P. Henry, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Am. J. Phys., 64(5): 602-606 (1996). DOI

Application of Superconducting Magnetometry in the Study of Aircraft Aluminum Alloy Corrosion, D. Li, Y.P. Ma, W.F. Flanagan, B.D. Lichter, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Corrosion, 52(3): 219-231 (1996). DOI

A Numerical Study of the Use of Magnetometers to Detect Hidden Flaws in Conducting Objects, N.G. Sepulveda and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., J. Applied Physics, 79(4): 2122-2135 (1996). DOI

Reconstruction of Two-Dimensional Magnetization and Susceptibility Distributions from the Magnetic Field of Soft Magnetic Materials, S. Tan, Y.P. Ma, I.M. Thomas, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., IEEE Trans. Mag., 32(1): 230-234 (1996). DOI

The Magnetic Inverse Problem for NDE," J.P. Wikswo, Jr., SQUID Sensors: Fundamentals, Fabrication and Applications, H. Weinstock, Ed., (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands), pp. 629-695 (1996). DOI

High-Resolution Magnetic Imaging: Cellular Action Currents and Other Applications," J.P. Wikswo, Jr., SQUID Sensors: Fundamentals, Fabrication and Applications, H. Weinstock, Ed., (Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands), pp. 307-360 (1996). DOI

The Effect of Externally Applied Electrical Fields on Myocardial Tissue, B.J. Roth and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Proceedings of the IEEE: Electrical Therapy of Cardiac Arrhythmias, 84: 379-391 (1996). DOI

Line Follower for Finite Element Post-Processing and Current Imaging, N.G. Sepulveda and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Communications in Numerical Methods and Engineering, 11: 1025-1032 (1995). DOI

Virtual Electrodes in Cardiac Tissue: A Common Mechanism for Anodal and Cathodal Stimulation, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., S.F. Lin, and R.A. Abbas, Biophys. J., 69: 2195-2210 (1995). DOI  PDF

(This reprint from Biophysical Journal, 69(6), Wikswo JP; Lin SF; Abbas RA, "Virtual electrodes in cardiac tissue: A common mechanism for anodal and cathodal stimulation", 2195-2210, ©1995 is made available by permission of the publisher Biophysical Society.)

Techniques for Depth-Selective, Low-Frequency Eddy Current Analysis for SQUID-Based Non-Destructive Testing, Y.P. Ma and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., J. Nondestr. Eval., 14(3): 149-167 (1995). DOI

A New Finite-Element Approach to Reconstruct a Bounded and Discontinuous Two-Dimensional Current Image From a Magnetic Field Map, S. Tan, N.G. Sepulveda, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., J. Comp. Phys., 122: 150-164 (1995). DOI

Detecting In-Situ Active Corrosion by a SQUID Magnetometer, D. Li, Y.P. Ma, W.F. Flanagan, B.D. Lichter, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Journal of Minerals, Metals & Materials, 47(9): 36-39 (1995). DOI

Noninvasive Diagnosis of Mesenteric Ischemia Using a SQUID Magnetometer, W.O. Richards, C.L. Garrard, S.H. Allos, L.A. Bradshaw, D.J. Staton, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Annals of Surgery, 221(6): 696-705 (1995). DOI

SQUID Magnetometers for Biomagnetism and Non-Destructive Testing: Important Questions and Initial Answers, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 5(2): 74-120 (1995) (Plenary Lecture). DOI  PDF

(Copyright © 1995 IEEE. Reprinted from: Wikswo JP, Jr. "SQUID Magnetometers for Biomagnetism and Nondestructive Testing: Important questions andinitial answers" IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol.5, 293-323 (1995). This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Vanderbilt University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a blank email message to By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.)

Closing Comments: Recent Developments in 5 K Cryocoolers - An Outsider's View, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., 5 K Cryocooler Workshop: Present Status, Future Prospects and Market Potential for 4-5 K Cryocoolers Proceedings, Hypres, Inc., Elmsford, NY, pp. 58-66 (1995). PDF

Magnetic Susceptibility Tomography for Three-Dimensional Imaging of Diamagnetic and Paramagnetic Objects, N.G. Sepulveda, I.M. Thomas, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., IEEE Trans. Mag., 30(6): 5062-5069 (1994). DOI

Diagnosing Intestinal Ischemia Using a Noncontact Superconducting Quantum Interference Device, J. Golzarian, D.J. Staton, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., R.N. Friedman, and W.O. Richards, Am. J. Surgery, 167: 586-592 (1994). DOI

Magnetic Fields From Simulated Cardiac Action Currents, J.P. Barach and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 41: 969-974 (1994).  DOI

Bipolar Stimulation of Cardiac Tissue Using an Anisotropic Bidomain Model, N.G. Sepulveda and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., J. Cardiovasc. Electrophys., 5(3): 258-267 (1994). DOI

Electrical Stimulation of Cardiac Tissue: A Bidomain Model With Active Membrane Properties, B.J. Roth and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 41(3): 232-240 (1994). DOI

A Theoretical Model of Magneto-Acoustic Imaging of Bioelectric Currents, B.J. Roth, P.J. Basser and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 41(8): 723-728 (1994). DOI

Tissue Anisotropy, the Cardiac Bidomain and the Virtual Cathode Effect, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., in Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside, Second Edition (W.B. Saunders, Orlando), D.P. Zipes and J. Jalife, Eds., (Invited), pp. 348-361 (1994).

A Comparison of Electric and Magnetic Compound Action Signals as Quantitative Assays of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration, P.D.L. Kuypers, F.L.H. Gielen, R.T.J. Wai, S.E.R. Hovius, M. Godschalk, and J.M. van Egeraat, Muscle and Nerve, 16: 634-641 (1993). DOI

A Simulation of Cardiac Action Currents Having Curl, J.P. Barach, IEEE Trans. on Biomed. Eng., 40: 49-58 (1993). DOI

Imaging of Small Defects in Nonmagnetic Tubing Using a SQUID Magnetometer, D.C. Hurley, Y.P. Ma, S. Tan, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Res. Nondestr. Eval., 5: 1-29 (1993). DOI

The Biomagnetic Signature of a Crushed Axon: A Comparison of Theory and Experiment, J.M. van Egeraat, R. Stasaski, J.P. Barach, R.N. Friedman, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Biophys. J., 64: 1299-1305 (1993). DOI

A Model for Axonal Propagation Incorporating Both Radial and Axial Ionic Transport, J.M. van Egeraat and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Biophys. J., 64: 1287-1298 (1993). DOI

An Improved Method for Magnetic Identification and Localization of Cracks in Conductors, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., D.B. Crum, W.P. Henry, Y.P. Ma, N.G. Sepulveda, and D.J. Staton, J. Nondestr. Eval., 12(2): 109-119 (1993). DOI

The Future of the EEG and MEG, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., A. Gevins, and S.J. Williamson, EEG Clin. Neurophysiology, 87: 1-9 (1993). DOI

High Resolution Magnetic Susceptibility Imaging of Geological Thin Sections: Pilot Study of a Pyroclastic Sample from the Bishop Tuff, I.M. Thomas, T.C. Moyer, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Geophys. Res. Letters, 19(21): 2139-2142 (1992). DOI

A Mathematical Analysis of the Magnetic Field Produced By Flaws in Two-Dimensional Current-Carrying Conductors, N.G. Sepulveda, D.J. Staton, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., J. Nondestr. Eval., 11(2): 89-101 (1992). DOI

Suppression of Longitudinal Versus Transverse Conduction by Sodium Channel Block: Effects of Sodium Bolus, J. Turgeon, T.A. Wisialowski, W. Wong, W.A. Altemeier, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., and D.M. Roden, Circulation, 85: 2221-2226 (1992). DOI

A Numerical Reconstruction of the Effects of Late Stimulation on a Cardiac Ventricular Action Potential, J.P. Barach and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Comp. & Biomed. Res., 25: 212-217 (1992). DOI

Latencies in Action Potential Stimulation in a Two-Dimensional Bidomain: a Numerical Simulation, J.P. Barach, J. Appl. Phys., 69(9): 6685-6692 (1991). DOI

A Mathematical Model for Calculating the Vector Magnetic Field of a Single Muscle Fiber, R.S. Wijesinghe, Mathematical Biosciences, 103: 245-274 (1991). DOI

In Vivo Magnetic and Electric Recordings from Nerve Bundles and Single Motor Units in Mammalian Skeletal Muscle: Correlations with Muscle Force, F.L.H. Gielen, R.N. Friedman, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., J. Gen. Physiol., 98: 1043-1061 (1991). DOI

Magnetic Shield for Wide-Bandwidth Magnetic Measurements for Nondestructive Testing and Biomagnetism, Y.P. Ma and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Rev. Sci. Instr., 62(11): 2654-2661 (1991). DOI

The Effect of Action Potential Propagation on a Numerical Simulation of a Cardiac Fiber Subjected to Secondary External Stimulus, J.P. Barach and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Comp. & Biomed. Res., 24: 435-452 (1991). DOI

Virtual Cathode Effects During Stimulation of Cardiac Muscle: Two-Dimensional In Vivo Measurements, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., W. Altemeier, J.R. Balser, H.A. Kopelman, T. Wisialowski, and D.M. Roden, Circ. Res., 68: 513-530 (1991). DOI

A Model for Compound Action Potentials and Currents in a Nerve Bundle I: The Forward Calculation, R.S. Wijesinghe, F.L.H. Gielen, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Annals of Biomed. Eng., 19: 43-72 (1991). DOI

A Model for Compound Action Potentials and Currents in a Nerve Bundle II: A Sensitivity Analysis of Model Parameters for the Forward and Inverse Calculations, R.S. Wijesinghe and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Annals of Biomed. Eng., 19: 73-96 (1991). DOI

A Model for Compound Action Potentials and Currents in a Nerve Bundle III: A Comparison of the Conduction Velocity Distributions Calculated from Compound Action Currents and Potentials, R.S. Wijesinghe, F.L.H. Gielen, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Annals of Biomed. Eng., 19: 97-121 (1991). DOI

High-Resolution Magnetic Mapping Using a SQUID Magnetometer Array, D.J. Staton, Y.P. Ma, N.G. Sepulveda, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., IEEE Trans. Mag., MAG-27(2): 3237-3240 (1991). DOI

Cellular Magnetic Fields: Fundamental and Applied Measurements on Nerve Axons, Peripheral Nerve Bundles, and Skeletal Muscle, J.P. Wikswo, Jr. and J.M. van Egeraat, J. of Clin. Neurophysiology, 8(2): 170-188 (1991). DOI