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Living State Physics Publications Archive

2003-1997 1996-1991 1990-1985 1984-1977

A Comparison of Scalar Multipole Expansions, J.P. Wikswo, Jr. and K.R. Swinney, J. Appl. Phys., 56: 3039-3049 (1984). DOI

Optimization of a SQUID Clip-On Current Probe, M.C. Leifer and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Rev. Sci. Instr., 54: 1017-1022 (1983). DOI

A Low-Noise, Low Input Impedance Amplifier for Magnetic Measurements of Nerve Action Currents, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., P.C. Samson, and R.P. Giffard, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., BME-30: 215-221 (1983). DOI

Theoretical Aspects of the ECG-MCG Relationship, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., in Biomagnetism, An Interdisciplinary Approach, S.J. Williamson, G.-L. Romani, L. Kaufman, and I. Modena, Eds., (Plenum, New York, 1983), pp. 311-326.  PDF

(This reprint from Biomagnetism: An Interdisciplinary approach, Williamson, SJ; Romani, G-l; Kaufman, L. and Modena, I., Editors, John P. Wikswo, Jr., "Theoretical Aspects of the ECG-MCG Relationship", pp 311-326, ©1983 is made available by permission of the publisher Plenum Press.)

Cellular Action Currents," J.P. Wikswo, Jr., in Biomagnetism, An Interdisciplinary Approach, S.J. Williamson, G.-L. Romani, L. Kaufman, and I. Modena, Eds., (Plenum, New York, 1983), pp. 173-207. DOI

Improved Instrumentation for Measuring the Magnetic Field of Cellular Action Currents, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Rev. Sci. Instr., 53: 1846-1850 (1982). DOI

Possible Sources of New Information in the Magnetocardiogram, J.P. Wikswo, Jr. and J.P. Barach, J. Theoretical Biol., 95: 721-729 (1982). DOI

 Sequential QRS Vector Subtractions in Acute Myocardial Infarction in Humans, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., S.C. Gundersen, W. Murphy, A.K. Dawson, and R.F. Smith, Circ. Res., 49: 1055-1062 (1981). DOI

Quark Chemistry, L.J. Schaad, B.A. Hess, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., and W.M. Fairbank, Phys. Rev. A, 23: 1600-1607 (1981). DOI

A Calculation of the Magnetic Field of a Nerve Action Potential, K.R. Swinney and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Biophys. J., 32: 719-732 (1980). DOI

Experiments on the Magnetic Field of Nerve Action Potentials, J.P. Barach, J.A. Freeman and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., J. Appl. Phys., 51: 4532-4538 (1980). DOI

An Estimate of the Steady Magnetic Field Strength Required to Influence Nerve Conduction, J.P. Wikswo, Jr. and J.P. Barach, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., BME-27: 722-723 (1980). DOI

Magnetic Field of a Nerve Impulse: First Measurements, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., J.P. Barach, and J.A. Freeman, Science, 208: 53-55 (1980). DOI PDF

(Reprinted with permission from: JP Wikswo; JP Barach and JA Freeman, Magnetic Field of a Nerve Impulse : First Measurements, Science, 208 (4439), © 1980 American Association for the Advancement of Science.   You may view, browse, and/or download this material for temporary copying purposes only, provided these uses are for noncommercial personal purposes. Except as provided by law, this material may not be further reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, adapted, performed, displayed, published, or sold in whole or in part, without prior written permission from the publisher.)

Non-Invasive Magnetic Detection of Cardiac Mechanical Activity: Experiments, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., J.E. Opfer, and W.M. Fairbank, Medical Physics, 7: 307-314 (1980). DOI

Non-Invasive Magnetic Detection of Cardiac Mechanical Activity: Theory, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Medical Physics, 7: 297-306 (1980). DOI

Theory and Application of Magnetocardiography, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., J.A.V. Malmivuo, W.H. Barry, M.C. Leifer, and W.M. Fairbank, in Cardiovascular Physics, D.N. Ghista, E. Van Vollenhoven, and W. Yang, Eds., (Karger, Basil, 1979) pp. 1-67.  Full Text

The Calculation of the Magnetic Field from a Current Distribution: Application to Finite Element Techniques, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., IEEE Trans. Mag., MAG-14: 1076-1077 (1978). DOI

Measurement of the Human Magnetic Heart Vector, W.H. Barry, D.C. Harrison, W.M. Fairbank, K. Lehrman, J.A.V. Malmivuo, and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Science, 198: 1159-1162 (1977). DOI

A New Practical Lead System for Vector Magnetocardiography, J.A.V. Malmivuo and J.P. Wikswo, Jr., Proc. IEEE, 65: 809-811 (1977). DOI

Consistent System of Rectangular and Spherical Co-ordinates for Electrocardiography and Magnetocardiography, J.A.V. Malmivuo, J.P. Wikswo, Jr., W.H. Barry, D.C. Harrison, and W.M. Fairbank, Med. Biol. Eng. and Comput., 15: 413-415 (1977). DOI