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Courses and Instructors Evaluated

  • Blair School of Music, College of Arts and Science, Peabody College of Education and Human Development, School of Engineering, Graduate School, Divinity School, Law School, Owen Graduate School of Management, School of Nursing, and certain programs in the School of Medicine follow a standard course and teaching evaluation practice facilitated by the Blue eXplorance software system. 
  • All academic courses in the aforementioned schools are evaluated regardless of enrollment size, with the exception of dissertation research coursework and independent/directed study courses.
  • If a class has more than one instructor, each instructor is evaluated separately.
  • Teaching Assistants (TAs) with instructional roles are evaluated at the discretion of the academic department. Please note: TAs who serve as both Instructor of Record and TA in one semester will be evaluated as Instructor of Record for all classes in that semester.
  • Most programs in the School of Medicine administer course and teaching evaluations using separate school-based processes.

Submission of Tailored Questions

  • Vanderbilt’s course and teaching evaluation software allows for the submission of tailored questions to be appended to the standard questionnaire. Tailored questions must be approved by an academic department’s chair as well as the school’s associate dean contact. Such requests should be made at the beginning of the semester in question. The associate dean contacts by school are:
    • Blair School of Music: Tucker Biddlecombe
    • College of Arts & Science: Allison Schachter
    • Divinity School: Ellen True Armour
    • Graduate School: Terrah Akard
    • Law School: Jasmin Felton
    • Owen Graduate School of Management: Richard Willis
    • School of Engineering: Cynthia Paschal
    • School of Medicine: Logan Key
    • School of Nursing: Rolanda Johnson
    • Peabody College: Anita Wager
    • There are some instances where the submission of tailored questions must be approved by a governing body of associate deans. In particular, all curricular programs with cross-school governance must seek the approval of the governing body in order to submit tailored questions. Contact Molly Thompson, Deputy University Registrar, at  in order to initiate this request.

Submission of Teaching Assistant (TA) Questions

  • Teaching Assistants (TAs) with instructional roles are evaluated at the discretion of the academic department.
  • Vanderbilt’s Center for Teaching recommends using the questions below for the evaluation of Teaching Assistants (TAs)*:

1) In what ways did you interact with this TA the most?

Answer set: Section meetings, Lab, Office hours, Via a class website/Brightspace, Via email, Other

2) Overall, how effective was the instruction you received from this TA?

Answer set: Poor, Marginal, Average, Very Good, Excellent

3) What aspects of this TA's teaching were most helpful to you?

Answer set: free response

4) How can this TA's teaching be improved? 

Answer set: free response

*Questions adapted from Stanford's course evaluation form for TAs:

Course and Teaching Evaluation Results

  • All course and teaching evaluation results are anonymous!

Instructor and Administrator Reports:

  • Course and teaching evaluation results will be made available to instructors and administrators following the deadline to submit grades. A message will be sent to all instructors when course and teaching evaluation results are available.
  • Teaching Assistants who were evaluated will have access to their results in the same time frame as instructors. Instructors of record can review course evaluation results for their TAs.
  • Instructor and administrator reports include summary statistics (response count, mean, mode, and standard deviation), course averages, and school averages. The distributions of responses will be displayed numerically and graphically. Instructors and administrators can also view student comments from the open-ended response questions. Upon request, administrators can access raw course evaluation data to perform school- and department-specific analysis. Please submit this request to
  • Instructors are unable to see course evaluation results for those classes with an enrollment of less than five students. 
  • Question Key for Export Reports

Community and Student Reports:

  • Course and teaching evaluation results for the College of Arts Science, School of Engineering, Blair School of Music, Peabody College of Education and Human Development, and the School of Nursing are made available to the Vanderbilt community through restricted single sign-on access.
  • Visit VOICEView to review archived course evaluation results through spring semester 2016.
  • The Course Eval View application is available to view results from Fall 2016 and beyond.

Please note the following restrictions:

  • Write-in comments are not shown.
  • Evaluations in which fewer than five students responded are not shown. Exceptions are made where similar courses can be aggregated – as is done for studio instruction in the Blair School of Music, for instance.
  • Evaluations in which fewer than 51% of students responded are not shown.
  • Evaluations of new early-career faculty are not available for their first three years of teaching at Vanderbilt.
  • TA evaluations are not available.