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Philippe M. Fauchet

Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bruce and Bridget Evans Dean of Engineering, Emeritus


Dr. Fauchet's current research interests are in photonics, energy, and the semiconductor/biology interface, all using silicon-based nanoscience and nanotechnology. His group is involved in multidisciplinary projects including silicon-based light sources and lasers; silicon photonic bandgap structures for optical modulation and switching; intra-chip optical interconnects; materials science and fundamental physics of nanoscale silicon objects; electrical and optical silicon-based biosensors; in-vitro and in-vivo cell growth on nanostructured silicon; silicon nanomembranes for particle separation; betavoltaic and photovoltaic applications of nanostructured silicon. In the past, he has also worked on ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors, superconductors, and polymers, ultrafast optoelectronics, optical characterization of semiconductors, and laser-solid interactions.


-Elected Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, 2017
-Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2017
-Recipient of the William H. Riker University Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, 2011
-Elected Fellow of the Materials Research Society, 2011
-Elected Fellow of the SPIE The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2010
-Recipient of an endowed chair as Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2002
-Elected Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1999
-Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), 1998
-Elected Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA), 1998
-Prix Guibal Devillez, 1990–1993
-Alfred Rheinstein Class of 1911 Faculty Award, 1988
-Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, 1988 – 1990
-NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1987–1992
-IBM Faculty Development Award, 1985–1987
-Prix Macquet, 1984
-IBM Post-doctoral Fellowship, 1983–1984
-Materials Research Society 1983 Student Award Winner
-Rotary International Foundation Fellowship 1979–1980
-Belgian American Educational Fellowship, 1978–1979
-Prix Honoré Moiny, 1979
-Prix des Electriciens du Hainaut, 1978