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Josh D. Caldwell

Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Director, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Materials Science


My research focuses on the confinement of electromagnetic energy and charged particles in the nano- to atomic-scale dimensions and the interactions between such confined systems. This involves the sub-diffractional confinement of light using 'polaritons' within the optical spectral domain (primarily the infrared), the design of nanoscale optical components, the role of polaritons in enhancing thermal conductivity, and identifying and characterizing novel optical, electro-optical, and electronic materials.

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-Fellow of the Materials Research Society, Fellow of SPIE, Fellow of Optica
-Primary Inventor on NRL Edison Award (top patent of the year)
-4x NRL Alan Berman Award winner (top paper of the year)
-NRL Sabbatical Recipient at University of Manchester (UK) with the Novoselov group
-Chancellor’s Award for Research Excellence
-Plenary Speaker at 2023 AVS Meeting