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Jason G. Valentine

Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Professor of Physics
Deputy Director, Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering


In the Valentine group we are developing optical metamaterials which are nanostructured composites that allow one to engineer optical properties at will. In our group we are exploring both metal-based (plasmonic) metasurfaces as well as low-loss all-dielectric metasurfaces. On a fundamental level, we use the engineering freedom associated with nano-scale structuring to realize and investigate optical properties that don’t exist in nature such as a negative and zero-index of refraction. On a more applied level, we are using metamaterials to realize novel device applications such as ultra-compact optical elements, optical information processors, and dynamically reconfigurable optics.


-Chancellor's Faculty Fellow
-Chancellor's Research Award
-ONR Young Investigator Award
-National Science Foundation CAREER Award
-Vanderbilt Junior Faculty Teaching Fellowship
-MRS Gold Student Award
-Time magazine ‘Top 10 Scientific Discoveries of 2008', #7
-Time magazine ‘Top 50 Inventions of 2008’, #28
-Discover magazine ‘Top 100 Story of 2008’, #7