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Ethan S. Lippmann

Associate Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Assistant Professor of Neurology


The goal of the Lippmann Lab is to model, understand, and ultimately treat neurovascular and neurodegenerative disease. We operate at the intersection of engineering and regenerative medicine, and our projects span many disciplines, including chemical and biological engineering, biochemistry, and neuroscience. To carry out this work, we use a broad range of experimental techniques including human induced pluripotent stem cell differentiation, biomaterials fabrication, genetic engineering, high throughput screening, and molecular selection. We are highly collaborative and enjoy working with other teams at Vanderbilt University to accomplish our goals. 

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-Chancellor Faculty Fellowship
-School of Engineering Excellent in Teaching Award
-National Science Foundation CAREER Award
-Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Ben Barres Early Career Acceleration Award
-ChBE Award for Excellence in Teaching
-BrightFocus Foundation Research Award
-NARSAD Young Investigator