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Craig L. Duvall

Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair
Professor of Biomedical Engineering


The Duvall Advanced Therapeutics Laboratory applies “smart”, environmentally-responsive polymers to develop novel approaches for overcoming pharmacological barriers. A variety of projects are currently underway to develop polymeric systems that respond to one or more stimuli such as pH, temperature, oxidative stress, and enzymatic activity. We also employ nucleic acid and protein engineering strategies toward development of new carrier-free genetic medicines.


-Fellow of Biomedical Engineering Society, 2020
-Fellow of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), 2018
-Vanderbilt Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow, 2018
-Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), 2017
-China-America Frontiers of Engineering NAE Symposium Participant, 2017
-Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) CMBE Young Innovator Award, 2016
-Society for Biomaterials Young Investigator Award, 2015
-NSF CAREER Award, 2014