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Biophotonics Seminar Series

Upcoming Seminar

Yuankai Huo


Future Seminars (Fall 2024)

Date Time          
Name Affiliation
Sept. 11 12:10 - 1:10 (BME Seminar) SC 5326 Lauren Buchanan Vanderbilt University, Department of Chemistry
Sept. 24 12:00 - 1:00 SC 5326 Gerard Coté Texas A&M University, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Oct. 8 4:00 - 5:00 Light Hall 202

Ruikang (Ricky) Wang

Murray Johnstone

University of Washington, Department of Bioengineering

University of Washington Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology

Oct. 22 12:00 - 1:00 SC 5326 Daniel Gonzales Vanderbilt University, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Oct. 29 12:00 - 1:00 SC 5326 Ethan LaRochelle QUEL Imaging, CEO
Nov. 5 12:00 - 1:00 SC 5326 Vasan Venugopalan University of California Irvine, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Nov. 12 12:00 - 1:00 SC 5326 Laura Marcu University of California Davis, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Nov. 20 12:10 - 1:10 (BME Seminar) SC 5326 Girish Hiremath Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics
Nov. 26 12:00 - 1:00 SC 5326 Loïc Royer Chan Zuckerberg Biohub
Dec. 3 12:00 - 1:00 SC 5326 Gracie Vargas University of Texas Medical Branch, Department of Neurobiology

For up to date announcements regarding time, location, and changes to the schedule, please join the Biophotonics Seminar listserv by emailing Trevor Voss at

Past Seminars

Andrea Locke, PhD Nicholas Durr, PhD Xincheng Yao, PhD Andrea Volterra, PhD
Anne Carpenter, PhD Andrew York, PhD    
Cody Siciliano, PhD  David Levitz, PhD  Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy, PhD  Curtis Marcott, PhD
Irene Georgakoudi, PhD  Rebecca Vincelette, PhD  Brian Applegate, PhD  Teng-Leong Chew, PhD
Duncan Graham, PhD  Kostandinka Bizheva, PhD  Kristen Maitland, PhD  Kishan Dholakia, Ph.D
Rita Strack, PhD      
Pierre Massion, MD Justus Ndukaife, PhD Ashok Choudhury, PhD Jennifer Hunter, PhD
Christopher Valdez, PhD Mala Mahendroo, PhD Hari Schroff, PhD Maryellen Giger, PhD
Bernard Choi, PhD Richard Simerly, PhD Richard Dluhy, PhD Daniel Hammer, PhD
Shy Shoham, PhD Jennifer Hunter, PhD    
Sandra J. Rosenthal, PhD  Bryan Millis, PhD Thomas Wang, PhD, MD  Robert V. Chimenti
Mingfeng Bai, PhD Andrew Berger, PhD  Arthur F. Gmitro, PhD  Martin Leahy, PhD
Brian Pogue, PhD Andries Zijlstra, PhD  Jason Valentine, PhD Ton van Leeuwen, PhD
Alex Walsh, PhD Christine Hendon, PhD  Nick Stone, PhD  Andrew Rollins, PhD
Wolfgang Drexler, PhD      
Jeffrey D. Schall, PhD William P. Roach, PhD Stephen J. Korn, PhD Doug Morgan, MD MPH
Jerry Wilmink, PhD Laura Waller, PhD Lauren Buchanan, PhD Antony Daniels, MD
Jeff Brooker Xiaoliang Sunny Xie, PhD Peter So, PhD Dr. Joseph Izatt, PhD
Dr. Cynthia Toth, MD Bruce Tromberg, PhD Justin Baba, PhD  
Matthew Lang, PhD Hilliel J. Chiel, PhD Eric Grogan, MD, MPH Dylan Burnette, PhD
Ji-Xin Cheng, PhD Matthew J. Baker, PhD Eric Betzig, PhD Caroline Boudoux, PhD 
Audrey Bowden, PhD Kristin Myers, PhD  Eric Skaar, PhD, MPH Brian J. Wong, MD, PhD, FACS 
Curtiss Marcott, PhD Jay Anderson, BS  Paul Stoddart, PhD  Joshua Caldwell, PhD 
Qi Zhang, PhD J. Micheal Newton, MD, PhD  Daniel Palanker, PhD   
Eric R. Tkacyk, MD, PhD Xingde Li, PhD Vasan Venugopalan, ScD Andrew Dunn, PhD
Madan Jagasia, MD Mark Canales, PhD Hillel J. Chiel, PhD  


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