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Vanderbilt Staff/Faculty

Requests for reasonable accommodations by Vanderbilt employees who believe they have a disability are to be made to the department supervisor or EOA. To request assistance through the EOA, employees should contact the EOA at (615) 343-9336.

To assist in collecting information, employees may complete the reasonable accommodation request form and have their medical provider complete the medical request form. Receipt of incomplete information will cause a delay in assessing the employee’s request. Once the medical documentation has been received, the employee will be contacted.

Contents of the request are confidential and will only be shared as needed with the appropriate personnel to consider the implementation of a reasonable accommodation. Factors to determine whether a reasonable accommodation is necessary include the employee’s request, the time the employee’s request is made, supervisor’s input, what the essential job functions are, and contents of the supporting medical documentation. All requests are reviewed and assessed on an individual basis. If a change in job, medical condition or another accommodation is desired, it may be necessary to submit new documentation for review.

Please note: For information about pregnancy and parenting accommodations please visit this page.