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Student Life

Day in the Life

A Vanderbilt student leads a busy life, juggling classes, homework, clubs and sports.  An ROTC student is no different.  Each day is unique, but here is what a typical Thursday could look like for a cadet:Lab


  • 0600-0700: Physical Fitness, which includes a combination of calisthenics, plyometrics, and stability exercises. In addition, high-intensity interval training and long-distance slower runs on alternating days.:
  • 0700-0800: Grab breakfast with fellow cadets at one of the various dining facilities (The Commons Center is the closest to the ROTC Building.)
  • 0900-1200: Chemistry, Intro to Anthropology, and History of Country Music classes
  • 1300-1400: Lunch with some classmates at Rand
  • 1430-1700: Meet at Magnolia Lawn for lab. This week, we're learning to execute a Movement to Contact.
  • 1700-1800: Dinner at McDougal's Chicken with friends
  • 1800-2200: Hang out with friends and do homework

Cadet Class Progression

  • MS-PC 1230:  Leadership and Personal Development This class covers what motivates others to follow a person. Through routine observation, we learn from leaders regardless of the setting (military, business, education, etc.) This course provides an overview of leadership fundamentals such as setting direction, problem-solving, listening and providing feedback. You will explore dimensions of leadership, values, attributes, skills, and actions in a military context through practical, hands-on, and interactive exercises.
  • MS-PC 2160:  Foundations of Tactical Leadership The course is broken down into five key skill development levels: 1) leadership, 2) values and ethics, 3) personal development, 4) professional officership, and 5) various tactics, techniques, and procedures. This class will focus on individual leadership development where the student begins to plan, organize, and lead small teams and groups in situational training exercises. Students begin to apply leadership skills at the smallest unit level.
  • MS-PC 3120:  Applied Team Leadership This class looks at challenging scenarios related to small-unit tactical operations and how they are used to develop self-awareness and critical thinking skills. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions.
  • MS-PC 4160:  Leadership in a Complex World This course explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations in the contemporary operating environment. It introduces the concept of culture, its components, how culture influences human behavior, the impact of culturally influenced behavior on military operations, and how to analyze and apply cultural considerations in the planning and execution of military operations.