Vanderbilt University
Department of  Religious Studies, College of Arts and Science

RLST 206 (DIV/REL 3845) Global Interpretations of Christian Scriptures
HOMESchedule RequirementsBooks  |  Faculty  | Paper Topic Articles & Presentations Forms


(NOTE: For each week, Readings include the reading of the biblical book under study by your group)


>>>WEEK 1  Jan 9

          Presentation of the Semester (and of this Syllabus)

Group exercise:  reading Luke 17:11-19
Choosing  leaders  
Introducing the  READINGS FOR Week 2:   

SUGGESTED:  The Bible in a World Context “Inculturation hermeneutics:  An African Approach” 17-32, 59-70. 

>>>WEEK 2  Jan 16

 “Reading Scripture with” Christian believers around the world?   

The 4 types of Contextual interpretations of the Bible used by GBC’s Commentators:  = FOUR WAYS  IN WHICH INTERPRETATIONS ARE CONTEXTUAL:   1) Inculturation (primarily emphasized by African scholars); 2) Liberation (primarily emphasized by Latin American scholars); 3) Inter(con)textual (primarily emphasized by Asian scholars);  4) Sacramental/liturgical (primarily emphasized by Eastern Orthodox scholars). [You will need to choose one type of contextual interpretation  for your paper.]  


SUGGESTED:  The Bible in a World Context “Inculturation hermeneutics:  An African Approach” 17-32, 59-70. 


b)      Group Discussion: Your interpretations of the teaching of the Beatitudes (Mat 5:3-12) as compared/contrasted with other interpretations
Group 1:  What is the teaching of the Beatitudes for you?           
Leader (his/her own vs. others):      __________________
Respondent to Leader :                 __________________ 
All:  Prepare your own interpretation following the instruction in Patte, Stubbs, Ukpong, Velunta:  The Gospel of Matthew: A Contextual Introduction pp. 19-36; compare your interpretation with others’ interpretations presented  in The Gospel of Matthew  (43-75) 76-78; 81-88 (which is the closest to yours? the most different?).  Leader:  prepare a handout addressing this issue.   Respondent:  compare his/her interpretation with others’ interpretations presented in The Gospel of Matthew and with that of the leader

 Group 2:  What is the teaching of the Beatitudes for you?          
Leader (his/her own vs. others):      __________________
Respondent to Leader :                 __________________ 
All:  Prepare your own interpretation following the instruction in Patte, Stubbs, Ukpong, Velunta:  The Gospel of Matthew: A Contextual Introduction pp. 19-36; compare your interpretation with others’ interpretations presented  in The Gospel of Matthew  (43-75) 76-78; 81-88 (which is the closest to yours? the most different?).  Leader:  prepare a handout addressing this issue.   Respondent:  compare his/her interpretation with others’ interpretations presented in The Gospel of Matthew and with that of the leader

>>>WEEK 3  Jan 23


Seven Roles of Scripture – which one did you presuppose?   which one was used by the authors of the GBC commentaries?

The 4 types of Contextual interpretations of the Bible used by GBC’s Commentators:  = FOUR WAYS  IN WHICH INTERPRETATIONS ARE CONTEXTUAL:   1) Inculturation (primarily emphasized by African scholars); 2) Liberation (primarily emphasized by Latin American scholars); 3) Inter(con)textual (primarily emphasized by Asian scholars);  4) Sacramental/liturgical (primarily emphasized by Eastern Orthodox scholars). [You will need to choose one type of contextual interpretation  for your paper.]  Which one did you presupposed? Which one did you use when interpreting the biblical text for a specific context today (in so doing your chosen one)? Which one was used by the authors of the GBC commentaries?

BEGINNING TO THINK ABOUT YOUR PAPER   – WHICH STRATEGY WILL YOU USE? Every interpretation is contextual (although interpreters are rarely conscious of it):   Preliminary presentation of 5 types of strategies for becoming self-conscious about the contextual character of  biblical interpretations:  1) paying attention to the ways in which they “affect certain groups of people” (e.g., an aspect of feminist interpretations);  2)  studying the history of reception (Wirkungsgeschichte)  of biblical texts (early Jewish receptions; in the New Testament; and later through history up to today:  “Reception/Scriptural Criticism,” primarily emphasized by Western European and North American scholars), 3) “reading with ordinary readers” (emphasized by 2/3 world  scholars);  4) “breaking biblical texts”  (using traditional ways of reading, particular to each culture);  5) “producing alternate contextual interpretations” (and in the process showing the contextual character of other interpretations).    [You will need to choose one strategy for your paper.]   Importance of accounting for the ways in which readers are positively or negatively affected by readings of Scripture. 

SUGGESTED:  The Bible in a World Context “Inculturation hermeneutics:  An African Approach” 17-32, 59-70. 

b)      Group Discussion (two examples of Inculturation):
Group 1:  LUKE by Justin Ukpong (Nigeria); 
Presenter to entire class of GBC :               __________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       __________________
Respondent to Leader :                 __________________ 

Group 2:  COLOSSIANS by Teresa Okure  (Nigeria)  
Presenter to entire class of GBC :               __________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       __________________
Respondent to Leader :                 __________________ 
READINGS:       Global Bible Commentary= GBCLUKE by Ukpong (Nigeria)  
Global Bible Commentary = GBC COLOSSIANS by Okure  (Nigeria)  
The Cambridge Dictionary of ChristianityMission (several articles); Nigeria (Christianity in);

c)   Lecture:  Classical Models for the Interpretation of Scriptures:  Roles of Scripture in MUSLIM AND JEWISH INTERPRETATIONS:  Islam and Qur’an ; Pharisees and Scripture, Midrash, Targum   
SUGGESTED:  Wilfred Cantwell Smith, What is Scripture? A Comparative Approach.  Pp.  1-44 (45-64); Scripture in Islam pp. 65-91; Scripture In Judaism, pp. 91-123  

>>>WEEK 4 Jan 30

a)     Contemporary Models for the Interpretation of Scriptures:  “OPPRESSION” AND “LIBERATION HERMENEUTICS”  
READINGS:  The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity “Liberation Theologies” (multiple articles)  “Oppression”
SUGGESTED:  The Bible In a World Context.  pp. 3-15, 53-58.   Elsa Tamez “Reading the Bible under a Sky without Star” and “A Star illuminates the darkness and Kwok Pui-lan, “Post-Colonial Studies and Feminist Biblical Interpretation” pp. 77-99 in Post-Colonial Imagination & Feminist Theology

b)      Group Discussion (two examples of liberation interpretation):  THEME:  What is the teaching of 1 Timothy or Exodus about “oppression” and “liberation”? 

Group 1:  1 TIMOTHY by Elsa Tamez (Costa Rica)           
Presenter of GBC :                       ___________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       ___________________ 
Respondent to Leader :                 ___________________
Bible:  1 Timothy
GBC: 1 TIMOTHY by Elsa Tamez (Costa Rica)    
Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity “Pastoral Letters”   “Costa Rica”   

Group 2:  EXODUS by Jorge Pixley  (Nicaragua)   
Presenter of GBC :                       ___________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       ___________________ 
Respondent to Leader :                 ___________________
Bible:  Exodus
GBC  EXODUS by Jorge Pixley  (Nicaragua) 
Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity “Exodus”  “Nicaragua”  

c)  Lecture:  Classical Models for the Interpretation of Scriptures:  APOCALYPTIC JUDAISM  (QUMRAN)
READINGS:  The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity “Qumran”  “Dead Sea Scrolls” “Apocalypticism”
SUGGESTED:  Smith, What is Scripture? A Comparative Approach   In Judaism, pp. 91-123  (review)

>>>WEEK 5  Feb 6
a)   Contemporary Models for the Interpretation of Scriptures:  INTER(CON)TEXTUAL HERMENEUTICS
READINGS:Kwok, Pui Lan.  “Discovering the Bible in the Non-Biblical World: The Journey Continues.”  Journal of Asian and Asian-American Theology 2 No 1 (Sum 1997): pp. 64-77. (see WEB Page)
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity “Bible Interpretation Cluster”  (multiple articles)
SUGGESTED:   Yeo Khiok-khng,  Navigating Romans Through Cultures, pp. 1-20; 259-294. The Bible In a World Context  pp. 33-49, 71-75.
b)  Group Discussion  
Group 1:  LAMENTATIONS by Archie Lee (China)           
Presenter of GBC :                       ___________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       ___________________ 
Respondent to Leader :                 ___________________
Bible:  Lamentations
GBC  LAMENTATIONS by Archie Lee;  
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity“Lamentations”    “Hong Kong” & “China”  Theodicy; God, Christian Views of, Cluster; Evil, the Problem of; Suffering.
Group 2:  JOHN by Kyung-mi Park (Korea)             
Presenter of GBC :                       ___________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       ___________________ 
Respondent to Leader :                 ___________________

Bible: The Gospel of John
 GBC  THE GOSPEL OF JOHN by Kyung-mi Park
 The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity  “John, Gospel of”  “Korea”  “Buddhism and Christianity”  “Shamanism and Christianity”

READINGS:  The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity  “Bible Interpretation Cluster”  (multiple articles)

>>>  Hopefully Sunday Feb. 10: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church; attending the “The Divine Liturgy” (worship service) followed by a question/answer period with the Priest, Fr. Gregory Hohnholt     at 10 AM (meeting at 9:30 AM) to about noon –in preparation of our discussion of Greek Orthodox interpretations of the Gospel of John and Hebrews   
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church  4905 Franklin Pike Nashville, TN 37220  

>>>>WEEK6  Feb 13

a)   Contemporary Models for the Interpretation of Scriptures:  SACRAMENTAL-LITURGICAL HERMENEUTICS                                                                                                  
READINGS:James Chukwuma Okoye, “Power and Worship:  Revelation in Africa” pp. 110-126 in Rhoads, From Every People and Nation. On our web-page          
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity “Liturgies, History of”  
b)  Group Discussions  
Group 1:  JOHN  Petros Vassiliadis (Greece)
Presenter of GBC :                       ___________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       ___________________ 
Respondent to Leader :                 ___________________
READINGS:     Bible:   The Gospel of John
GBC  JOHN  (Petros Vassiliadis, Greece) 
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity  “John, Gospel of”    “Greece” 
Group 2:  HEBREWS Stelian Tofanâ (Romania)    
Presenter of GBC :                       ___________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       ___________________ 
Respondent to Leader :                 ___________________
READINGS:     Bible:   Hebrews (letter to the)
GBC  HEBREWS (Stelian Tofanâ, Romania)
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity  “Hebrews”; “ “Romania”  
c)  Lecture:  Classical Models for the Interpretation of Scriptures:    PATRISTIC AND MIDDLE AGE
SUGGESTED:  The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity  Patristics; Patristic Thought; Patristic Thought in Orthodox Christianity.  A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible. pp. 39-91

>>>WEEK7 Feb 20
DUE Feb 19 noon *****CHOOSING A BIBLICAL BOOK as topic for your paper.   You must have chosen a biblical book by Feb 19 noon (EMAILED with two ranked alternates) [[Any biblical book EXCEPT THOSE  DISCUSSED IN CLASS in the first part of the Semester; or chosen by someone else]]     

a)   Strategies for Becoming Self-Conscious about the Contextual Character of  Biblical Interpretations:    READING WITH ORDINARY READERS”
READINGS:   GBC, Gerald West, pp. 96-99; 
Blount, “The Witness of Active Resistance:  The Ethics of Revelation in African-American Perspective’ pp. 28-46, in Rhoads, From Every People and Nation 
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity   Postcolonialism and Christian Theology
  SUGGESTED:  The Academy of the Poor   Gerald West  or Vítor Westhelle, “Revelation 13:  Between the Colonial and the Postcolonial, a Reading from Brazil” pp. 183-199 in Rhoads, From Every People and Nation .         
b)  Group Discussions 
Group 1:  1- 2 SAMUEL  Gerald West (Kwa-Zulu, S. Africa)  
Presenter of GBC :                       ___________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       ___________________ 
Respondent to Leader :                 ___________________
READINGS:     Bible:  1 & 2 Samuel
 GBC  1 and 2 SAMUEL  Gerald West 
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity  Samuel, 1 & 2;  South Africa 

Group 2:  EPHESIANS  John Riches (Scotland, U.K.)     
Presenter of GBC :                       ___________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       ___________________ 
Respondent to Leader :                 ___________________
READINGS:     Bible:   Ephesians
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity     Ephesians;  United Kingdom  
c)   Lecture:  Classical Models for the Interpretation of Scriptures:  Modern Ways of Reading the Bible;  Historical Critical Biblical Studies:  Example, “The Quest of the Historical Jesus”
            READINGS:  GBC  pp. 329-349.   Jesus in Asian, African, Latin American, Orthodox, Western Perspectives.
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity Jesus;  Jesus, Images of, Cluster (multiple articles)
SUGGESTED:   Kwok, Pui-lan.  “On Color-Coding Jesus,” pp. 176-188 in Sugirtharajahm ed. The Post-Colonial Bible.
>>>WEEK 8  Feb 27
a)   Strategies for Becoming Self-Conscious about the Contextual Character of  Biblical Interpretations:    STUDYING THE HISTORY OF RECEPTION & SCRIPTURAL CRITICISM 
READINGS:  The Cambridge Dictionary of ChristianityScriptural  Criticism;Reception  Studies of;  
SUGGESTED READINGS:Grenholm & Patte “Overture:  Receptions, Critical Interpretations, and Scriptural Criticism” pp. 1-44 in Reading Israel in Romans

b)  Group Discussions 
Group 1:  LEVITICUS  Alan Cooper and Susan Scholz (USA and Germany)
Presenter of GBC :                       ___________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       ___________________ 
Respondent to Leader :                 ___________________
READINGS:  Bible:  Leviticus
GBC   LEVITICUS  Alan Cooper and Susan Scholz  
The Cambridge Dictionary of ChristianityLeviticus;     Judaism and Christianity Cluster;  Anti-Semitism; Supersessionism;   and  Germany 
Group 2: ROMANS  Daniel Patte (USA and France)    
Presenter of GBC :                       ___________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       ___________________ 
Respondent to Leader :                 ___________________
READINGS:  Bible:  Romans
GBC   ROMANS  Daniel Patte
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity  Romans;  Judaism and Christianity Cluster;  Anti-Semitism; Supersessionism;   and France

**Spring BREAK ***
>>>WEEK 9  March 13

a)   Strategies for Becoming Self-Conscious about the Contextual Character of  Biblical Interpretations:    “BREAKING BIBLICAL TEXTS”  and “PRODUCING ALTERNATE CONTEXTUAL INTERPRETATIONS”
READINGS:      GBC   NUMBERS  Jione Havea or  EZRA-NEHEMIAH   Donna Fewell 
SUGGESTED READINGS:Tina Pippin  “The Heroine and the Whore:  The Apocalypse of John in a Feminist Perspective” pp. 127-145,  and Barbara Rossing, “For the Healing of the World;  Reading Revelation Ecologically” pp. 165-182in Rhoads, From Every People and Nations.  A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible. Robert Grant and David Tracy, pp. 155-187 
b)  Group Discussions  
Group 1:  NUMBERS  Jione Havea (Pacific Islands)   
Presenter of GBC :                       ___________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       ___________________ 
Respondent to Leader :                 ___________________
READINGS:      Bible:  Numbers
GBC   NUMBERS  Jione Havea    
The Cambridge Dictionary of ChristianityNumbers   Papua New Guinea & History of Christianity in South Pacific; 
Group 2: EZRA-NEHEMIAH   Donna Fewell (USA)
Presenter of GBC :                       ___________________ 
Leader (his/her own vs. GBC):       ___________________ 
Respondent to Leader :                 ___________________
READINGS:      Bible:  Ezra and Nehemiah
GBC   EZRA-NEHEMIAH   Donna Fewell  
The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity Ezra & Nehemiah;   United States of America   

PAPERS-IN-THE-MAKING & corresponding readings in GBC & CDC

>>>WEEK 10  March 20
  Biblical books chosen by students for their papers and related readings in Global Bible Commentary and The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity
  DISCUSSION OF PARTS 1-2 OF THE PAPERS OF THREE OF YOU… How does each compare with the corresponding GBC chapters?   [with handout  by presenters sent Thursday  by e-mail]  RESPONDENTS underscore the differences with the way the presenters teaching and the GBC teaching would apply to the problems and root problem of the contexts chosen for their own papers.

Presenter:             ___________________ 
                        Respondent:       ___________________
Presenter:             ___________________ 
                        Respondent:       ___________________
Presenter:             ___________________ 
                        Respondent:       ___________________

 >>>WEEK 11 March 27
Biblical books chosen by students for their papers and related readings in Global Bible Commentary and The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity.
DISCUSSION OF PARTS 1-2 OF THE PAPERS OF THREE OF YOU…   [with handout  by presenters sent Thursday  by e-mail].
Presenter:             ___________________ 
Respondent:       ___________________
Presenter:             ___________________ 
                        Respondent:       ___________________
Presenter:             ___________________ 
                        Respondent:       ___________________

>>>WEEK 12  April 3
Biblical books chosen by students for their papers and related readings in Global Bible Commentary and The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity.
DISCUSSION OF PARTS 1, 2 & 3 OF THE PAPERS OF THREE OF YOU… How does each compare with the corresponding GBC chapters?  [with handout  by presenters sent Thursday  by e-mail].
 Presenter:             ___________________ 
Respondent:       ___________________
Presenter:             ___________________ 
                        Respondent:       ___________________
Presenter:             ___________________ 
                        Respondent:       ___________________

>>>WEEK 13  April 10
Biblical books and related readings in Global Bible Commentary chosen by students for their papers.

DISCUSSION OF PARTS 1, 2 & 3 OF THE PAPERS OF THREE OF YOU… How does each compare with the corresponding GBC chapters? [with handout  by presenters sent Thursday  by e-mail].
 Presenter:             ___________________ 
Respondent:       ___________________
Presenter:             ___________________ 
                        Respondent:       ___________________
Presenter:             ___________________ 
                        Respondent:       ___________________


>>>WEEK 14  April 17
            Biblical books chosen by students for their papers and related readings in Global Bible Commentary and The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity.

DISCUSSION OF PARTS 1- 4  OF THE PAPERS OF THREE OF YOU… How does each compare with the corresponding GBC chapters?  [with handout  by presenters sent Thursday  by e-mail].
 Presenter:             ___________________ 
Respondent:       ___________________
Presenter:             ___________________ 
                        Respondent:       ___________________
Presenter:             ___________________ 
                        Respondent:       ___________________


PAPER DUE   Saturday April 28  at 3:00 PM by e-mail