A genetic divider


Promethia: Yet oppositions of eugenics should also consider some compelling evidence.  It is a known fact that over one third of the mentally retarded have a mentally retarded parent (Site 1).  If a eugenic-based law was adopted that prevented all mentally retarded people from reproducing, metal retardation could be cut by one third in a single generation.  This would cause a mammoth decrease in many of societyÂ’s problems such as illiteracy, unemployment, welfare dependency, and above all, this would cause a noticeable decrease in crime.  Taxpayers would save a preposterous amount of money and the economy would strengthen, all because of one eugenic-based law that affects very few people. 

A eugenic society is the answer that we need in these times of overpopulation, exhaust of resources, and socio-political unrest.  We have been armed with the tools that scientific innovation has afforded us in being able to control the genetic heritage of our progeny, the progeny of the world. 

The facts remain clear: Intelligence is inherited.  With the advancements in technology and subsequently in our everyday lives, competition in this world not only thrives in the economic and political sense which is a creation of the human mind and a result of civilization, but also in the evolutionary sense, which we credit to nature itself. 

The success of the people in this world depends upon the competence of those who have been given the power and tools to be able to control it: humankind.  With the proliferation of less intelligent genes in the world, how will the future of humanity survive?

Civilization is key to humanity.  It is the very mechanism by which we, as humans, learn to live together and survive, especially with the large population spread in which most of the people on this earth live.

At the present time, we are evolving to become less intelligent with each new generation.  Those with the least favorable inheritance for intelligence tend to have more children.  What does this mean for the future of the world?  The more unintelligent people on this earth, the less viable humanity as a whole will be. 

And, finally, should we not deal with this problem in our society now, if we do not take advantage of the knowledge we have gained and the tools we have created to do it, then I mourn for the future of the world.  Just as the evidence in The Bell Curve shows, lower intelligent life on earth can have a damaging effect on society, an effect to which the present methods that we employ are no longer efficient. 




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