A genetic divider




Bradley, James. "Brave New World." Web site @  http://australis.org/mcdonald/mds.extract.html


Huxley, Aldous.  Brave New World. Harper Collins: New York, 1932.


Kerr, Philip. Philosophical Investigation.  The Penguin Group: New York, 1992.


Lander, Eric S. and Robert A. Weinberg. "Genomics: Journey to the Center of Biology." Science. Vol 287, 10 March 2000.


Niccol, Andrew (dir.). Gattaca. Columbia Tristar: 1997.


Vancourt, Maria.  "Future Generations Mission Statement"  Web site @  http://www.eugenics.net/papers/mission.html


Vanhanen, Tatu.  "The Consequences of Variable Intelligence"  Web site @ http://www.eugenics.net/papers/Itzkoff.html


Ward, Selena.  "Brave New World."



Web sites:

  1. Eugenics Archive.  Web site @ http://vector.cshl.org/eugenics/


  1. Eugenics Watch.  Web site @ http://www.africa2000.com/ENDX/endx.htm


  1. Web site @ http://www.encyclopedia.com/articles/04265.html


  1. "What's Morally Wrong With Eugenics."  Web site @



  1. "Brave New World? A Defense of Paradise-Engineering." Web site @ http://www.huxley.net


  1. Web site @ https://sps1.phys.vt.edu/~Ishaw/brvnwrld.html


  1. Web site @ http://www.ronsangels.com/index2.html



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