In June
2000, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Moses Gomberg's
discoveries and publications on triphenylmethyl with Gomberg
A Century of Organic Free Radical Chemistry. The conference
featured all aspects of organic radicals, mechanism and theory,
free radicals in biology, and polymers.
The meeting, organized by the International Society for Organic
Radicals (ISOFR), was held at the University of Michigan campus
in Ann Arbor, June 25 - 29, 2000. Plenary sessions featured
lectures and parallel sessions featured one Keynote Lecture and discussion followed by
contributed talks. Additionally, attendees participated
in poster sessions and informal discussions.
Gomberg National Historic Landmark Ceremony
The conference began with the Gomberg
Landmark Ceremony, followed by a plenary session on Gomberg and
his chemistry. The highlight of the evening was the
presentation of
a National Historic Chemical Landmark Award to the University of
by the American Chemical Society for The Discovery of Organic
Radicals by Moses Gomberg. This prestigious award symbolizes the
impact of research in free radicals over the last century on
science and
M. Buback, Göttingen |
J. Kozarich, Rahway |
C. Chatgilialoglu, Bologna |
M. Marletta, Ann Arbor |
D. Crich, Chicago |
K. Matyjaszewski, Pittsburgh |
D. Curran, Pittsburgh |
G. Molander, Philadelphia |
G. Fuchs, Freiburg |
M. Newcomb, Detroit |
B. Giese, Basel |
G. Pattenden, Nottingham |
R. Gilbert, Sydney |
E. Rizzardo, Melbourne |
Y. Guindon, Montreal |
C. Rüchardt, Freiburg |
D. Haddleton, Coventry |
M. Sibi, Fargo |
C. Hawker, Almaden |
J. Stubbe, Boston |
K. Ingold, Ottawa |
K. Wieghardt, Mannheim |
P. Jones, Ann Arbor |
H. Zipse, München |
S. Kim, Seoul |
 Organizers and Speakers in front of the house of Moses Gomberg