We celebrate writing
Undergraduate Writing Symposium on Thursday, 3/31, 3-6pm
Mar. 25, 2022—Join us on Thursday, March 31, for the Writing Studio’s 14th annual celebration of Vanderbilt undergraduates’ achievements as writers. 14th annual Undergraduate Writing Symposium When: Thursday, March 31, 3:00-6:00 PM followed by a reception for participants Where: The Commons Center Multipurpose Room Who: Full schedule of presenters available on the 2022 UWS webpage This year’s...
2021 Morgan Award Winners Announced!
Aug. 1, 2021—The Writing Studio celebrates undergraduate writing and all that undergraduate writers are capable of, and we congratulate the winners of the 2021 Henrietta Hickman Morgan Memorial Award for First-Year Writers! Winners of the 2021 Henrietta Hickman Morgan Memorial Award for First-Year Writers 1st Prize Cameron Deal “Defining an ‘American’ Classical Music: Intersections Between Argentina and...
May. 9, 2019—Congratulations to the winners of the 2019 Henrietta Hickman Morgan Memorial Award for First-Year Writers! Thanks, too, to all who submitted their work for consideration. As always, the Morgan Award committee reviewed an impressive array of submissions from Vanderbilt’s first-year students and was honored by the chance to see the fruits of our students academic...
Scaffold: A Showcase of Vanderbilt First-Year Writing
Mar. 31, 2019—Scaffold is a digital collection of first-year writing curated by the Writing Studio. As an extension of the annual Undergraduate Writing Symposium, this collection honors and celebrates undergraduates’ accomplishments as writers, scholars, and artists specifically in their formative first year of college. To that end, Scaffold highlights the developing writing processes and learning experiences so central to the growth...
Gallery of Morgan Award Winners
Mar. 13, 2018—Morgan Award Winners 2014-2024 (Click an image to view the full-sized poster.) Will you be added to the gallery this year?
Undergraduate Writing Symposium
Jul. 21, 2014—Update: The new deadline for Undergraduate Writing Symposium submissions is Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025, at 11:59pm. The Writing Studio’s Undergraduate Writing Symposium provides an annual opportunity for Vanderbilt to celebrate the achievements of its undergraduate students as writers, thinkers, scholars, and artists. Modeled after an academic conference, this event gives student authors selected for participation...
Henrietta Hickman Morgan Memorial Award
Aug. 9, 2013—Call for 2025 Morgan Award submissions Have you written something you are proud of during your first year at Vanderbilt? Submit it for the Henrietta Morgan Memorial Award! Each year the Writing Studio conducts the competition for the Henrietta Hickman Morgan Memorial Award for first-year writers. Established by William Morgan in memory of his wife, the...