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Nominations Open for the Undergraduate Writing Symposium!

Posted by on Monday, November 24, 2014 in News, News & Events.

Held each March, the Undergraduate Writing Symposium provides an opportunity for Vanderbilt to celebrate and showcase the exemplary writing of its undergraduate students.

We welcome nomination of argumentative essays, research reports, and other writing projects that can be read aloud.  Any piece completed during the 2014 calendar year is welcome to compete for inclusion in the 2015 symposium.

Nominations come from faculty and from students’ self-nominations of their own writing. Deadline for nominations is Friday, January 16, 2015.

Faculty nominations: Click here for our faculty nominations page.

Student self-nominations: Click here for our student self-nomination page.

Review Process

Once submitted, all nominated pieces of writing are assessed by multiple readers in a blind review process. We invite the authors of our highest scoring submissions to present their piece on a panel at the symposium. Presenters receive written feedback on how they might revise for presentation and are encouraged to make an appointment for a Writing Studio consultation as they do so.