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Pre-Exams Study Jam, Thursday, Dec. 9, 6-8pm @ Central Library

Posted by on Thursday, December 2, 2021 in News, News & Events, Other events.

A flyer image whose purpose is to promote the Pre-Exams Study Jam eventConquer finals successfully with the Pre-Exams Study Jam on December 9 from 6-8pm at Central Library.

Maximize your productivity by tapping into the expertise of subject librarians from the Vanderbilt Libraries, Writing Studio consultants, and Tutoring Servicestutors in General Chemistry, Intro to BioSci, and Calculus.

We’ll also help you de-stress by providing guided meditation and trivia, and provide fuel for studying with healthy snacks.

The Study Jam will take place in the Central Library Community Room, with trivia happening in room 418A. Masks are required.

Anchor Link RSVP appreciated, but not required.

This event is sponsored by the Vanderbilt Libraries, the Writing Studio, Tutoring Services, and the Center for Student Wellbeing.

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