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WoV Resources List

Resources and Rose’ Slides

Learn more about the programs, services, and facilities you have access to at Vanderbilt.

Psychological & Counseling Center (PCC)

The Psychological and Counseling Center (PCC) offers services to Vanderbilt Students that include individual and group psychotherapy, psychiatric services, LD/ADHD assessment, alcohol and drug evaluations/counseling, and community outreach.

Center for Student Wellbeing

The Center for Student Wellbeing  is committed to helping students thrive within the Vanderbilt community and maintain lifelong wellness practices. We are here to help students who may need assistance in a variety of areas.

Project Safe

The mission of the Project Safe Center is to provide information, support, referrals, and education about sexual and intimate partner violence (including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking), as well as consent, healthy relationships, and healthy sexuality to the Vanderbilt University community. Project Safe serves as a central resource for those impacted by power-based personal violence and can assist with navigating the University’s resource and support network (including the Psychological & Counseling Center, Student Health, the Equal Employment, Affirmative Action and Disability Services Department, and the Vanderbilt University Police Department) as well as external support and law enforcement resources.

Osher Center for Integrative Medicine

The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at Vanderbilt is where you’ll find health care designed around your whole health: mind, body and spirit.

Green Dot at Vanderbilt

Green Dot is a program of the Project Safe Center and is supported by our active campus partners — students, faculty, and staff. Your involvement is key! Green dots are individual choices that meet in a shared vision–creating the momentum of a social movement.  Green Dot is the University’s chosen bystander intervention training program, designed to equip all community members with the skills and confidence to safely and appropriately intervene to reduce, disrupt, and prevent sexual and intimate partner violence.  Vanderbilt is proud to have offered Green Dot training to our campus community since 2009.

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