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Shunxing Bao

Research Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Previous position:

Postdoctoral scholar


Ph.D. Computer Science
Vanderbilt University 2018

B.E. Software Engineering
Huazhong University of Science & Technology 2012

M.S. Computer Science
Vanderbilt University 2014

Dissertation title: Algorithmic Enhancements to Data Colocation Grid Frameworks for Big Data Medical Image Processing
Defense date: September 12, 2018
Advisors: Bennett Landman and Aniruddha Gokhale

Research area/interest:

Medical image processing and big data
Distributed computing
Digital pathology

VISE Affiliate:

Bennett Landman
Director, Vanderbilt Lab for Immersive AI Translation (VALIANT)
Stevenson Chair
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Medical-image Analysis and Statistical Interpretation Lab (MASI)