Home » Personnel » Mohamed Tarek El-Haddad

Mohamed Tarek El-Haddad
Current Position:
Research Scientist at Facebook Reality Labs
(formerly Oculus Research)
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering,
Vanderbilt University, 2018
Thesis title: “Image-guidance in ophthalmic surgery using intraoperative optical coherence tomography”
Defense Date: November 5, 2018
Committee: Yuankai K. Tao
Bachelors of Science, Computer and Systems Engineering |
Ain Shams University, Egypt.
Research interests:
Optical imaging systems, optical coherence tomogoraphy, and image-guided ophthalmic surgery
VISE affiliate:
Yuankai Kenny Tao
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Diagnostic Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions (DIIGI) Laboratory