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VISE Vision

VISE Vision serves to provide graduate workers across labs within VISE opportunities to connect with and support each other in both a professional and social context.

We aim to foster a strong, interdepartmental community by hosting professional development events including career panels, student research talks, and a monthly journal club. We also organize social events to promote camaraderie between VISE-associated graduate workers and faculty members.

2024 – 2025 Steering Committee:
Jesse d’Almeida, Mechanical Engineering

Committee Members:
Daiwei (David) Lu, Computer Science
Frankangel Servin, Biomedical Engineering
Haatef Pourmotabbed, Biomedical Engineering
Ghassan Makhoul, Biomedical Engineering
Taryn Dunigan, Biomedical Engineering
John Han, Computer Science
Ethan Wilke, Mechanical Engineering

VISE Program Coordinator:
Michelle Bukowski

Past committees.