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VISE Spring Seminar – Workshop with three guest speakers

Posted by on Monday, January 7, 2019 in News.

VISE Spring Seminar to be led by

Todd Peterson, PhD,
Director of Nuclear Imaging, Associate Professor of Radiology & Radiological Sciences, VUIIS,
Anna Fisher,
CNMT, PET Technologist, VUIIS

Michael I. Miga, PhD,
Harvie Branscomb Professor, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, VU

Date: Thursday, January 10, 2019
Time: 12:25pm start, 12:15pm lunch
Place:  Stevenson Center 5326

Title 1:
VUIIS Resource Update: PET/CT

Abstract 1:  The Philips Vereos PET/CT is a state-of-the art PET/CT scanner utilizing digital photon counting technology to provide 310 ps time-of-flight resolution and providing diagnostic quality CT with 64-slices.  In this short talk, we will provide an overview of this new powerful imaging resource.

Title 2:  IMHO: NIH Grant Writing, Review, & What’s New

Abstract 2:
Being able to obtain an independent National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant award can be daunting even to the most accomplished investigators.  While having great research is a necessary ingredient, you also need to have a complete strategic approach with respect to grant preparation, grant submission, responding to reviews, and your programmatic goals.  Without a plan, a great deal of time can be wasted in determining the best approach to present your work to the scientific reviewing community.  In this talk, grant writing tips will be discussed, common review process myths will be dispelled, the mechanics of NIH review will be provided, tips on summary statement coping, and some common mistakes to avoid as well.  Also being covered are some new guidelines that have been enacted in the last couple of years (Rigor and Reproducibility), biosketch changes, as well as a review of recent changes to the Surgery Surgical Sciences, Biomedical Imaging, and Bioengineering Integrated Review Group (new panels). Lastly, with time permitting, some resources will be provided.  As with everything when it comes to the world of pursuing grants, this talk description concludes with the following caveat … all information disseminated is IMHO (in my humble opinion).

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