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ViSE Seminar Series: IOHO (in our humble opinions): NIH Grant Tips, Experiences, & Review, SC 5326, Thursday June 13, 11:50. Lunch provided.

Posted by on Friday, June 7, 2013 in News.

Title:  IOHO (in our humble opinions): NIH Grant Tips, Experiences, & Review

Speakers:  Melissa Skala, Bob Webster, and Mike Miga

Date: June 13, 2013

Time: 11:50 social, noon seminar start

Location: Stevenson Center 5326

Abstract: This seminar will be an overview of grant-writing mechanisms, submission strategies, and understanding the process of review for federal funding associated with the National Institutes of Health.  Dr. Skala is a K99/R00 award winner (designed to transition post-docs into an independent faculty position) and will provide an overview of this type of award, other trainee mechanisms, as well as some strategies on writing a successful application.  Dr. Webster (formerly a new investigator) has recently navigated the R01 Research Project Grant mechanism as a junior investigator to secure multiple awards.   His presentation will provide several case studies on the process of securing funding that he went through over the first 5 years of his faculty career.  He will focus on strategies (both written and unwritten tips and hints) for obtaining the two basic types of grants that most investigators submit to the NIH: R21 awards and R01 awards.  Dr. Miga will conclude the presentation discussing the nature of NIH panel review.  He is currently a charter member of the Biomedical Imaging Technology Study Section and has over a decade of review experience within multiple different mechanisms.  Examples by the speakers will center primarily on engineering & medicine examples.

