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ViSE Seminar: Quantitative Analysis of Ventral Hernias: Labeling, Assessment, and (eventually) Repair, SC 5326, Thursday April 11, 11:50. Lunch provided.

Posted by on Thursday, March 28, 2013 in News.

Quantitative Analysis of Ventral Hernias: Labeling, Assessment, and (eventually) Repair


Ben Poulose, MD, PhD Assistant Professor, General Surgery

Bennett Landman PhD Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Location: Stevenson Center 5326; Time:  11:50 (lunch), noon (seminar start)


Abstract: Ventral hernias (VHs) are abnormal openings in the anterior abdominal wall that are common side effects of surgical intervention. The outcomes of VH repair are not particularly encouraging (with recurrence rates up to 43%). Despite routine acquisition of computed tomography (CT) for VH patients, little quantitative information is available on which to guide selection of a particular approach and/or optimize patient-specific treatment. Therefore, we aim to develop an image processing pipeline to analyzes hernia-related anatomical structures and provide a geometric basis with which to derive biomarkers and evaluate treatment efficacy.
