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ViSE Seminar – Engineering Better Surgical Outcomes for Lumpectomy, Sept. 27, 12:15-1:45PM, SC 5326

Posted by on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 in News.


As part of the Vanderbilt initiative for Surgery and Engineering (ViSE) pilot award program, an investigation towards engineering better outcomes for breast lumpectomy patients is underway.  Over the past several decades, it has been shown that breast lumpectomy is as effective as mastectomy (total or radical) when clear margins are achieved, i.e. no cancer is evident in the margins as encapsulated cancerous breast tissue is resected.  Unfortunately, the use of advanced surgical guidance technology towards breast lumpectomy is limited at this time.  Generating surgical technologies that could improve the fidelity of resection would have dramatic impact to this considerable population of patients (nearly 230,000 women per year in the United States alone with 80% being detected at stages 0, 1, or 2).  The use of intraoperative imaging for breast surgery is difficult because the breast undergoes significant deformation during the procedure. In addition, any imaging performed preoperatively is usually conducted in a very different presentation to that in surgery.  In this talk, Dr. Meszoely will begin with a comprehensive review of the background and surgical concerns while Dr. Miga will present their recent experiences in ultrasound and intraoperative digitization for breast lumpectomy.
