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TIME CHANGE! ViSE Research in Progress Seminar Series, Thursday June 26, 9:30am SC 5326. Refreshments provided.

Posted by on Wednesday, June 18, 2014 in News.

With World Cup USA vs Germany starting at 11am Thursday we have changed the RIP seminar time!
Title:  VISE Summer RIP seminar Series
Date & Time:  June 26th, SOCIAL: 9:30 am, Seminar begins at 9:40
Place:  Stevenson Center 5326
Title:  Towards the development of an image guidance system for breast cancer surgeries
Speaker: Rebekah Conley
Years completed: 2, BME
Advisor:  Mike Miga
Title: IMHO: NIH Review, Tips on Grant Writing, & Updates
Speaker: Michael I. Miga, PhD
