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ViSE Research in Progress Seminar Series, Thursday June 12, 11:50, SC 5326. Refreshments provided.

Posted by on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 in News.

Welcome to the ViSE summer series!

The summer series  is a bit more creative/instructive in nature.  With the amount of research occurring within ViSE we are implementing a Research-In-Progress (RIP) Seminar.  For this year we are highlighting graduate students that have completed 2-3+ years, and will be conducting a dual short-seminar format.

Title:  VISE Summer RIP seminar Series
Date & Time:  June 12th, Noon
Place:  Stevenson Center 5326


Title:  Designing a Hand-Held Robot for Prostate Laser Surgery:        A Work in Progress
Speaker: Hendrick, Richard Joseph
Years completed: 2 years, ME
Advisor:  Bob Webster


Title:  Automatic Segmentation of the Human Abdomen in     Clinically Acquired CT
Speaker: Zhoubing Xu
Years completed: 3 years, EECS
Advisor: Bennett Landman
