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VISE hosts notable attendees from AES Annual Meeting

Posted by on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 in News.

The Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering is taking advantage of a five-day annual meeting in Nashville of the American Epilepsy Society by inviting two notable doctors to the VISE December seminar and symposium series.

Dr. Martha Morell will deliver the Dec. 7 keynote address during the VISE 11th Annual Surgery, Intervention, and Engineering Symposium, Wednesday, Dec. 7. Dr. Morrell is a neurologist and Chief Medical Officer at NeuroPace, a supporter of the AES and host of physician events during the meeting.

With expertise in medical devices, neuromodulation, closed loop brain stimulation, neurology and electrophysiology, Dr. Morell’s responsibilities at NeuroPace include all clinical and pre-clinical research for a novel responsive neurostimulator for the treatment of medically uncontrolled epilepsy. She also is a clinical professor of neurology at Stanford University.

Dr. Hal Blumenfeld will deliver a Dec. 1 seminar talk to VISE affiliates prior to being honored by the AES with its Research Recognition Award, Clinical Science. Dr. Blumenfeld is a professor of neurology, neuroscience, and neurosurgery at Yale University. He is an expert on brain mechanisms of consciousness and is recognized for groundbreaking work on altered consciousness in epilepsy

AES workshop presenters include two VISE affiliates: Victoria Morgan, professor of radiology and radiological sciences and biomedical engineering, and Dr. Dario Englot, associate professor of neurological surgery, neurology, radiology and radiological sciences and biomedical engineering and electrical and computer engineering. Thirteen Vanderbilt students will present posters.

Drs. Morgan and Englot are leading an Investigators Workshop called “Integration of Brain Network Analysis into the Epilepsy Surgery Clinical Pipeline.” Englot is also hosting a half day meeting of the Surgical Therapies Commission of ILAE, the parent organization of AES.

In addition, Morgan is leading a poster walking tour on “Neuroimaging.” The poster session includes:

  • Johnson GW, Doss DJ, Jiang JW, Narasimhan S, Paulo DL, Morgan VL, Bick SK, Englot DJ (2022) Seizure onset and propagative zones exhibit distinct local structure-function coupling: A Combined Diffusion MRI and SEEG Study. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.
  • Sainburg LE, Janson AP, Johnson GW, Jiang JW, Rogers BP, Chang CE, Englot DJ, Morgan VL (2022) Structural disconnection mediates thalamic fMRI activity changes after temporal lobe epilepsy Surgery. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.
    Sainburg is also presenting the same topic in an oral platform session.
  • Paulo DL, Johnson GW, Doss DJ, Jiang JW, Narasimhan S, Gonzalez HFJ, Morgan VL, Bick SK, Englot DJ (2022) SEEG directed connectivity over Euclidean distance may help distinguish seizure onset and propagative zones. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.
  • Doss DJ, Johnson GW, Narasimhan S, Jiang JW, Gonzalez HFJ, Paulo DL, Chang CE, Morgan VL, Constantinidis C, Dawant BM, Englot DJ (2022) Patient specific segmentation of the nucleus basalis of Meynert in temporal lobe epilepsy using deep learning. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.
  • Shless JS, Johnson GW, Doss DJ, Jiang JW, Negi AS, Paulo DL, Morgan VL, Bick SK, Englot DJ (2022) High inward vs. low outward resting-state functional connectivity characterizes seizure onset zones in focal epilepsy. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.
  • Negi AS, Johnson GW, Doss DJ, Shless JS, Paulo DL, Morgan VL, Bick SK, Englot DJ (2022) Frequency band-specific directed connectivity patterns in focal epilepsy: a single pulse electrical stimulation study. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.
  • Jiang JW, Narasimhan S, Johnson GW, Gonzalez HFJ, Doss DJ, Paulo DL, Terry DP, Chang CE, Morgan VL, Englot DJ (2022) Abnormal functional connectivity of the posterior hypothalamus and nucleus basalis of Meynert in people with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.
  • Grogan CE, Sainburg LE, Akbarian B, Rogers BP, Englot DJ, Morgan VL (2022) Widespread cortical thickness changes after mesial temporal resection in temporal lobe epilepsy. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.
  • Herrington J, Sainburg LE, Jansen AP, Johnson GW, Rogers BP, Englot DJ, Morgan VL (2022) Creation of personalized node abnormality maps in temporal lobe epilepsy. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.
  • Pourmotabbed H, Martin CG, Goodale SE, Jiang JW, Doss DJ, Johnson GW, Kang H, Morgan VL, Englot DJ, Chang C (2022) Vigilance-related alterations in the functional connectivity of arousal and autonomic structures. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.
  • Goodale SE, Martin CG, Jiang JW, Tuttle S, Pourmotabbed H, Gonzalez HJF, Morgan VL, Englot DJ, Chang C (2022) fMRI correlates of vigilance fluctuations in temporal lobe epilepsy. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.
  • Martin CG, Wills K, Pourmotabbed H., Jiang JW, Goodale SE, Tuttle, S, Wang S, Feng E, Morgan VL, Englot DJ, Chang C (2022) Psychomotor and EEG-derived measures of vigilance in patients with epilepsy. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.
  • Akbarian B, Sainburg LE, Rogers BP, Englot DJ, Morgan VL (2022) Seizure recurrence after TLE surgery may be associated with post-surgical functional connectivity abnormality. Nashville, TN: American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting.

Student abstracts are available here:


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