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Annual Symposium

13th Annual Surgery, Intervention, and Engineering Symposium

The VISE seminar series culminates with a winter Annual Surgery, Intervention, and Engineering Symposium which highlights panel sessions on cutting-edge topics of the day within procedural medicine research, a poster presentation showcase of translational projects at Vanderbilt, and finally a keynote seminar and reception.

Similar to the academic series, the symposium also serves a dual role within VISE.  To begin, it provides our trainees with an invaluable experience in a conference presentation.  More specifically, trainees have the following opportunities: (1) scientific poster creation and presentation, (2) experience in video-recorded shorts about their research, (3) exposure to what a panel discussion debates, and (4) important perspectives from a keynote speaker who is an experienced seasoned leader in the field.  The second role is more directed at the faculty and is designed to cross-pollinate research across ESI domains.  More specifically, the symposium is designed to have faculty and trainees interact and learn each other’s core competencies to foster new collaborative efforts.

2024 Surgery, Intervention, and Engineering Symposium

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2024 Keynote Speaker

Clare Tempany
Ferenc A. Jolesz MD Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School
Vice Chair of Radiology Research
Medical Director of the Advanced Multi-modal Image Guided Operating (AMIGO) Suite

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Image Guided Therapy:  an update from the National Center for Advanced Technologies for Image Guided Therapy

This talk will update the audience on NCIGT activities with a focus on the prosate program. The National Center for Advanced Technologies for Image Guided Therapy (AT-NCIGT), located at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston. AT-NCIGT serves as a national resource for all aspects of research into medical procedures enhanced by imaging, with the common goal of providing more effective patient care. The Advanced Multimodal Image-Guided Operating (AMIGO) suite is the clinical translational test-bed for research in AT-NCIGT. A unique resource for image-guided therapy, AMIGO represents and encourages multidisciplinary cooperation and collaboration among imaging physicists, chemists, computer scientists, mechanical engineers, roboticists, biomedical engineers, nurses and technologists to reach the common goal of delivering the safest and the most effective state-of-the-art therapy to patients in a technologically advanced and patient-friendly environment.

Dr. Tempany is the Ferenc A. Jolesz MD Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School, Vice Chair of Radiology Research and Medical Director of the Advanced Multi-modal Image Guided Operating (AMIGO) Suite – a suite of translational clinical research rooms at Brigham & Women’s hospital. She is a native of Dublin Ireland and a graduate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. She has had continuous NIH funding for over 20 years and is currently the PI of the NIH funded P41, National Center for Advanced Technologies Image Guided Therapy (AT-NCIGT) and a T32 training grant in Image Guidance, Precision Diagnosis and Therapy. She currently leads a pioneering prostate cancer program focused on diagnostic imaging and image guided interventions in prostate cancer diagnosis and therapy. She leads an active prostate cancer research group which encompasses basic research in IGT and multiple clinical trials. Both MR guided prostate cancer biopsy and MR guided radiation therapy are now standard of care to aid in prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. Today she leads trials in mpMRI, is past Co-Chair of the PI-RADS international committee, is the PI of a InSightec sponsored Focal therapy trial with MR guided FUS and Study chair of the new ECOG-ACRIN trial in Prostate MRI.