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Medical capsule hardware and software now open source

Posted by on Friday, November 6, 2015 in News.

VISE Affiliate Pietro Valdastri Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering ( and his team at the STORM lab ( have been instrumental in developing technologies to foster the development of medical capsule robots small enough to be swallowed that could be used for preventive screenings and to diagnose and treat a number of internal diseases. 
Through a website and a paper revealed at a pair of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) conferences Valdastri and collaborator Akos Ledeczi, Associate Professor of Computer Engineering ( recently made the medical capsule hardware and software open-source. By providing a hardware and software component library and the tools to make their composition easy, Vanderbilt opens up the field of medical capsule robots to engineers and scientists who have great ideas but aren’t hardware or software experts, plus makes development costs far more affordable.
