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VISE Summer Instructional Seminar 6.3.21

Posted by on Friday, May 14, 2021 in News.

VISE Research in Progress (RiP)
Date: Thursday, June 3, 2021
Time: Noon admittance, 12:05 p.m. remarks, 12:10 p.m. start

Speaker #1: William Tierney, PhD Candidate, Department of Biomedical Engineering

RiP #1: Title: Peptide-based vascular therapies for the prevention of intimal hyperplasia and restenosis

RIP #1 Description: Intimal hyperplasia, a thickening of the vascular wall, is a stress-induced result of many vascular therapies such as grafting, angioplasty, and stenting. This re-occlusion of the vessel is caused by a contractile-to-synthetic phenotype switch that occurs in the smooth muscle cells that increases cellular proliferation, inflammation, and ECM synthesis. In these studies, we show that an MK2 inhibitory peptide effectively reduces intimal hyperplasia by blocking this phenotype switch and explore strategies for its use in preventing vessel failure after vein grafting and angioplasty.

Speaker #2: Zach Stoebner, MS Candidate, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

RiP #2: Annotating Kidney Stones in Endoscopic Video Feeds with Deep Learning

RIP #2 Description: We are exploring supervised deep learning models to annotate kidney stones in surgical endoscopic video feeds. We have established our baseline and are continuously building the dataset. Moving forward, we will investigate new methods and real-time application.

