Paul Laibinis

  • Vanderbilt University

    Researcher Highlight: Soren Smail

    Soren Smail, 2nd year Interdisciplinary Materials Science graduate student in the Weiss and Laibinis labs In the past few years, the need for rapid and sensitive point-of-care diagnostics has become readily apparent, especially for monitoring and controlling viral transmissions. Optical biosensing is a promising alternative to widely used diagnostic… Read More

    Oct. 4, 2023

  • Vanderbilt University

    VINSE NanoDay! Jacket Drawing Winners

    Congratulations to the winners of the NanoDay! jacket drawing! This is the third year that registered attendees had the opportunity to win a VINSE jacket, and it has quickly become a highly anticipated part of the event. Check out the winners below! Katja Diaz-Granados Madeleine Fort Chloe Frame Matthew Galazzo… Read More

    Nov. 7, 2022

  • Vanderbilt University

    Paul Laibinis wins Ellen Gregg Ingalls Award for Excellence in Classroom Teaching

    Five faculty members were recognized for their achievements in and out of the classroom by Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos at the Spring Faculty Assembly. Professors Paul Laibinis, Emily Nacol, Sohee Park, Suzanna Sherry and Janos Sztipanovits were selected for the awards by… Read More

    Mar. 29, 2012

  • Something big from something small: The 10th anniversary of VINSE

    Something big from something small: The 10th anniversary of VINSE

    Vanderbilt researchers working at the smallest scale celebrate a huge milestone this year. The Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (VINSE), seeded from a university-funded $16 million venture capital fund initiative, celebrates its 10th anniversary in December. There is much to celebrate, including the fact that in the past… Read More

    Oct. 7, 2011