Materials Science
Dissertation Defense: Kan Li, Interdisciplinary Materials Science
DISSERTATION DEFENSE Kan Li, Interdisciplinary Materials Science *under the direction of Dr. Ronald Schrimpf “Laser-induced single event effects, total-ionizing-dose effects, and low-frequency noise in advanced FinFETs” Tuesday, May 24, 2022 | 12:00 | Zoom In this dissertation, radiation effects and low-frequency noise are studied in advanced FinFETs. Read MoreMay. 16, 2022
VINSE Night at the Nashville Sounds
Join the VINSE community at the Nashville Sounds Game Night. This is a family event, so feel free to include your family and invite members from your research groups. Nashville Sounds vs. Gwinnett Stripers, June 24th @ 7:05PM Postgame Fireworks Limited tickets available, reserve your tickets here. Read MoreMay. 9, 2022
Hong named to Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship Program for New Americans
Tao Hong Tao Hong, a second-year Ph.D. student in interdisciplinary materials science, and Hari Srinivasan, an incoming Ph.D. student in neuroscience, have been named to the 2022 cohort of the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship Program for New Americans. Hong, a member of VINSE, is co-advised by Professor… Read MoreMay. 4, 2022
2022 VINSE Friends and Family Day
Photo: Anne Rayner VINSE hosted our Inaugural Friends and Family Day on April 16th, 2022, with more than 250 registered attendees. During the two-hour event members of the nano community were able to participate in 16 different hands-on demonstrations with topics that included electroplating, graphene transfer, hydrophilic and hydrophobic… Read MoreApr. 19, 2022
Meet Our Graduates: Kate (Moyer) Vanderburgh
Under the direction of Dr. Cary Pint, Kate (Moyer) Vanderburgh worked on sustainably engineering electrode materials and additives for energy storage systems. Read MoreApr. 17, 2022
IMS grad student KP Arnold wins 1st place at inaugural ECE Day poster session
KP Arnold, an IMS graduate student advised by Dr. Sharon Weiss, won first place at the inaugural ECE Day poster session with his poster “Realizing Subwavelength Featured Photonic Crystals: Tailoring To Specific Applications and Foundry Scale Processing.” The Vanderbilt Electrical and Computer Engineering Department presented the first ECE Day… Read MoreApr. 11, 2022
Congratulations 2022 VINSE REU NSF GRFP Winners!
Two prior VINSE REU students were awarded prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowships. NSF Fellows receive a three-year annual stipend of $34,000 along with a $12,000 allowance for tuition and fees for a research-based master’s or doctoral degree in in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines. Annually, the NSF… Read MoreApr. 4, 2022
Dissertation Defense: John Williams, II, Interdisciplinary Materials Science
DISSERTATION DEFENSE John Williams II, Interdisciplinary Materials Science *Under the direction of Dr. David Cliffel “Novel Biohybrid Photovoltaics for Expeditionary Energy” March 18, 2022, 3:00PM 001 Engineering Science Building Shifts within the priorities of the Department of Defense have led to an increase in modernization efforts. The… Read MoreMar. 17, 2022
VINSE/ChBE Joint Seminar “Multiscale Modeling of Catalytic Conversion Processes for Bioenergy Applications“ Peter Ciesielski, NREL, 03/21/22
Vanderbilt Institute of Nanoscale Science and Engineering & Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Seminar Dr. Peter Ciesielski Distinguished Member of Research Staff / Principal Scientist National Renewable Energy Laboratory “Multiscale Modeling of Catalytic Conversion Processes for Bioenergy Applications“ 03.21.22 | 4:10 PM | 5326 Stevenson Center Bio. Read MoreFeb. 25, 2022
IMS unveils new logo
Interdisciplinary Materials Science has a new logo. Congratulations to Vanderbilt University graduate students Jeremy Espano and Chris Sharp who collaborated on the winning design. Hooded sweatshirts are available for purchase, reach out to Sarah for details. … Read MoreFeb. 25, 2022