Kirill Bolotin

  • Vanderbilt University

    Meet Our Graduates: Dhiraj Prasai

    During his PhD Dhiraj Prasai studied transport measurements of 2-D materials by making field effect transistor out of monolayer Graphene and MOS2. Read More

    Aug. 16, 2022

  • 2016 VINSE High Impact Paper Award Winners

    2016 VINSE High Impact Paper Award Winners

    First Place –  Bandgap Engineering of Strained Monolayer and Bilayer MoS2 Nano Letters Hiram Conley, Bin Wang, Jed Ziegler, Richard Haglund, Sokrates Pantelides, Kirill Bolotin Second Place – Realization of an all-dielectric zero-index optical metamaterial Nature Photonics Parikshit Moitra, Yuanmu Yang, Zachary Anderson, Ivan Kravchenko, Dayrl… Read More

    Oct. 27, 2016

  • Bolotin and McCabe receive VINSE Distinguished Service Awards

    Bolotin and McCabe receive VINSE Distinguished Service Awards

    Kirill Bolotin and Clare McCabe were each awarded a VINSE Distinguished Service Award at the VINSE fall faculty celebration.  Kirill was recognized for his vision and creation of the VINSE summer nanoseminar series.  Clare was recognized for her continued leadership and commitment to the VINSE REU. Read More

    Aug. 29, 2014

  • Barrier to faster graphene devices identified and suppressed

    Barrier to faster graphene devices identified and suppressed

    These days, graphene is the rock star of materials science, but it has an Achilles heel: It is exceptionally sensitive to its electrical environment. This single-atom-thick honeycomb of carbon atoms is lighter than aluminum, stronger than steel and conducts heat and electricity better than copper. As a result, scientists around… Read More

    Mar. 13, 2012

  • VINSE member wins Sloan research fellowship

    VINSE member wins Sloan research fellowship

    Physicist Kirill Bolotin has won a two-year, $50,000 research fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation aimed at encouraging promising young scholars. He is one of 126 researchers from 51 different colleges and universities in the United States selected to receive the Foundation’s … Read More

    Feb. 28, 2012

  • Kirill Bolotin receives NSF Career Award

    Kirill Bolotin receives NSF Career Award

    Vanderbilt University Assistant Professor of Physics Kirill Bolotin has received a Faculty Early Career Development award from the National Science Foundation. According to the National Science Foundation, CAREER awards support exceptionally promising college and university junior faculty who are committed to the integration of research and education… Read More

    Mar. 21, 2011