Summer Science Academy

VINSE is actively involved with the Vanderbilt Summer Academy. We offer a one-week residential program course that exposes rising 9th and 10th grade students to the exciting world of nanoengineering.

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Section Contents

A 1-Week Crash Course in Nanoengineering

These experiences will challenge students to see the world the way a nanoscientist does—how manipulating the smallest of particles might address some of the world’s biggest problems.

  • 210

    Students attended the VINSE summer science academy 

  • 16

    Years running — VINSE's longest-standing outreach program

  • 15+

    Hands-on nano-themed science labs provided each summer

Program Overview

VINSE is actively involved with the Vanderbilt Summer Academy and offers a course in Nanoscience and Engineering for rising 9th and 10th graders.

This is a one-week residential program that exposes students to the exciting world of nanoengineering. In this class, students get an introduction to key nanoparticles and their properties while stretching creative problem-solving skills to their limits. Students can expect advanced lectures, labs, and extensive study with faculty, graduate students, and postdocs and will get to spend significant time in one of Vanderbilt’s newest, biggest, and cleanest cleanrooms.

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VINSE Scholarships

VINSE offers limited 100% scholarships for at-need Tennessee students.