
Section Contents
Sharon Weiss

Sharon M. Weiss



The Weiss Group engages in research involving photonics, optoelectronics, nanoscience, and material interfaces. We are particularly interested in fundamental studies of light-matter interaction and photonic applications of nanomaterials. Current research thrusts include the design and applications of subwavelength engineered photonic crystals for optical communication, detection of biomolecules in nanoporous silicon-based optical structures, investigation of how high energy radiation and extreme environments affect the properties of photonic integrated circuits, and integration of phase-change and 2D materials in silicon photonic components.

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-Fellow, SPIE, OSA, AAAS
-IEEE Photonics Society Distinguished Lecturer
-Vanderbilt Chancellor's Award for Research
-Vanderbilt School of Engineering Excellence in Teaching Award
-Defense Science Study Group (14 participants)
-Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)
-ARO Young Investigator Award

Selected Publications

Deep subwavelength anti-slot photonic crystals fabricated in monolithic silicon photonics technology. Allen, JA; Arnold, KP; Halimi, SI; Ryder, LD; Ofzal, FO; Bian, Y; Aboketaf, A; Dezfulian, K; Rakowski, M; Augur, R; Hirokawa, T; Nummy, K; Weiss, SM , IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 35, 461-64 , (2023) View Abstract

Protein identification and quantification using porous silicon arrays, optical measurements, and machine learning. Ward, SJ; Cao, T; Zhou, X; Chang, C; Weiss, SM, Biosensors, 13, , (2023) View Abstract

Radiation-induced transient response mechanisms in photonic waveguides. Ryder, LD; Schrimpf, RD; Reed, RA; Weiss, SM, IEEE Transactions of Nuclear Science, 69, 546-557 , (2022) View Abstract

Experimental realization of deep-subwavelength confinement in dielectric optical resonators. Hu, S; Khater, M; Salas-Montiel, R; Kratschmer, E; Englemann, S; Green, WMJ; Weiss, SM, Sciences Advances, 4, , (2018) View Abstract

Optical phase change materials in integrated silicon photonic devices: review. Miller, KJ; Haglund, RF; Weiss, SM, Optical Materials Express, 8, 2415-2429 , (2018) View Abstract