
Section Contents
Richard Haglund

Richard F. Haglund

Stevenson Professor of Physics


The Applied Optical Physics Group focuses on the interactions of light with materials and nanostructures that exhibit compelling optical and electro-optical properties. Much of our work has featured the dynamics of the insulator-to-metal transition of vanadium dioxide, for applications in femtosecond silicon photonics, hybrid metamaterials and dynamically reconfigurable metasurfaces. We fabricate Archimedean nanospirals at dimensions smaller than the wavelength of light to study second-harmonic generation and manipulate the orbital angular momentum in light beams   Newer initiatives are yielding exciting results in single-photon emitters for quantum information science and applications, and control of the deep subwavelength, hyperbolic phonon polaritons in a wide bandgap two-dimensional insulator, hexagonal boron nitride. Our research projects all incorporate a balance of nanomaterials growth and characterization; laser spectroscopy and microscopy; and modeling and simulation. And we collaborate with groups around the United States and around the world to use the unique capabilities of synchrotron light sources and X-ray lasers.


-Fellow, American Physical Society
-Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Prize
-Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Fellowship

Selected Publications

Harmonic Generation up to Fifth Order from Al/Au/CuS Nanoparticle Films. Yan Y, Spear NJ, Meng Q, Singh MR, Macdonald JE, Haglund RF, Nano Letters, 24, , (2024) View Abstract

Substrate Chemistry and Lattice Effects in Vapor Transport Growth of Vanadium Dioxide Microcrystals. White ST, Thompson EA, Brown PF, Haglund RF , Crystal Growth and Design, 21, 3770-3778, (2023) View Abstract

Surface plasmon mediated harmonically resonant effects on third harmonic generation from Au and CuS nanoparticle films. Spear NJ, Yan YM, Queen JM, Singh MR, Macdonald JE, Haglund RF , Nanophotonics, 12, 273-284, (2023) View Abstract

Ultrafast X-ray imaging of the light-induced phase transition in VO2. Johnson AS, Perez-Salinas D, Siddiqui KM, Kim S, Choi S, Volckaert K, Majchrzak PE, Ulstrup S, Agarwal N, Hallman K, Haglund Jr RH, Gu?nther CM, Pfau B, Eisebitt S, Backes D, Maccherozzi F, Fitzpatrick A, Dhesi SS, Gargiani P, Valvidares M, Artrith N, de Groot F, Choi H, Jang D, Katoch A, Kwon S, Park SH, Kim H, Wall SE , Nature Physics, 19, 215-220, (2022) View Abstract

Sub-Picosecond Response Time of a Hybrid VO2:Silicon Waveguide at 1550 nm. Hallman KA, Miller KJ, Baydin A, Weiss SM, Haglund RF, Advanced Optical Materials, 9, 2001721, (2021) View Abstract