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Morgan Struthers

Morgan Struthers

Biomedical Engineering


Morgan is a Biomedical Engineering PhD student in Dr. Craig Duvall's lab. Her research focuses on the non-viral delivery of the CRISPR/Cas9 system to treat Osteoarthritis.

Morgan’s passion for science outreach began as an undergraduate student, and has continued in graduate school. At Vanderbilt, she joined the Vanderbilt Student Volunteers for Science (VSVS) program to teach interactive science lessons at Head Middle Magnet School, participated in the Elementary Education outreach program with the BME Graduate Student Association, participated in the STEM Summer Institute program put on at a local all-girls school to provide support and feedback to students during a design competition, and is currently serving as the Community Chair Vice-President for the Graduate Student Council for the second year in a row. Outside of school work, Morgan enjoys outdoor activities, playing sports/working out, watching movies, and traveling.


NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, 2023