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Daniel  Gonzales

Daniel L. Gonzales

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Assistant Professor of Vanderbilt Brain Institute


In the Gonzales Lab, we develop a wide range of neurotechnologies to capture and interrogate neural activity. We specialize in combining microfabricated, transparent brain-machine interfaces with optical neurotechnologies for recording activity across massive spatial scales, from individual synapses up to brain-wide networks. Our platforms enable the study of circuit computations with unprecedented precision. Specifically, we are fascinated by the mechanisms that give rise to the brain’s ability to intelligently manipulate neuroprosthetic interfaces. In the Gonzales Lab, we take a circuit-focused approach. We believe cortical networks and microcircuits hold secrets that can unlock powerful new capabilities for neuroprosthetics. By revealing how these circuits learn, the discoveries in our lab inform the design high-precision, modular, and efficient brain-machine interfaces.


Howard Hughes Medical Institute Hanna Gray Fellowship, 2020