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Allison Cordova Huaman

Allison V. Cordova Huaman

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


Allison is a 4th year PhD student in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Program in Dr. Kane Jennings' lab. Her research focuses on developing responsive surfaces for applications related to anti-fouling and self-cleaning materials. 

Beyond her academic pursuits, Allison is also passionate about engaging in science outreach initiatives. Since starting as a graduate student, she has participated in different outreach and mentorship programs both in her home country of Peru and at Vanderbilt University. Some of these initiatives are the Journal Club Peru and the Research Experience for Peruvian Undergraduates (REPU) organization, both of which aim to provide mentorship and training opportunities to aspiring undergraduate students in STEM fields within Peru. Currently, Allison also serves as the treasurer on the executive board of the Nashville chapter of the Graduate Women in Science organization.