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IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 2015, 62, 1462-1486

1/f Noise and Defects in Microelectronic Materials and Devices

Fleetwood DM

This paper reviews and compares predictions of the Dutta-Horn model of low-frequency excess (1/ f) noise with experimental results for thin metal films, MOS transistors, and GaN/AlGaN high-electron mobility transistors (HEMTs). For metal films, mobility fluctuations associated with carrier-defect scattering lead to 1/f noise. In contrast, for most semiconductor devices, the noise usually results from fluctuations in the number of carriers due to charge exchange between the channel and defects, usually at or near a critical semiconductor/insulator interface. The Dutta-Horn model describes the noise with high precision in most cases. Insight into the physical mechanisms that lead to noise in microelectronic materials and devices has been obtained via total-ionizing-dose irradiation and/or thermal annealing, as illustrated with several examples. With the assistance of the Dutta-Horn model, measurements of the noise magnitude and temperature and/or voltage dependence of the noise enable estimates of the energy distributions of defects that lead to 1/f noise. The microstructure of several defects and/or impurities that cause noise in MOS devices (primarily O vacancies) and GaN/AlGaN HEMTs (e.g., hydrogenated impurity centers, N vacancies, and/or Fe centers) have been identified via experiments and density functional theory calculations.