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Science Advances 2024, 10,

Broadband and large-aperture metasurface edge encoders for incoherent infrared radiation

Swartz, B; Zheng, H; Forcherio, G; Valentine, J

The prevalence of computer vision systems necessitates hardware-based approaches to relieve the high computational demand of deep neural networks in resource-limited applications. One solution would be to off-load low-level image feature extraction, such as edge detection, from the digital network to the analog imaging system. To that end, this work demonstrates incoherent, broadband, low-noise optical edge detection of real-world scenes by combining the wavefront shaping of a 24-mm aperture metasurface with a refractive lens. An inverse design approach is used to optimize the metasurface for Laplacian-based edge detection across the 7.5- to 13.5-?m LWIR imaging band, allowing for facile integration with uncooled microbolometer-based LWIR imagers to encode edge information. A polarization multiplexed approach leveraging a birefringent metasurface is also demonstrated as a single-aperture implementation. This work could be applied to improve computer vision capabilities of resource-constrained systems by leveraging optical preprocessing to alleviate the computational requirements for high-accuracy image segmentation and classification.