Vanderbilt User Access

VINSE is ready to help assist you with your research. Use our research tool outline to help determine what you need, or reach out to an expert staff member to ask any questions, set up a free consultation, or just brainstorm some ideas. When you’re ready, complete a few quick steps below to access our facilities and equipment.

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Section Contents

For members of Vanderbilt, please complete just a few quick steps:

Step 1: Request Access

Filling out this online form is required for new users and current users that want access to additional VINSE facilities.

Step 2: Create an iLab Account

iLab is the platform used to make tool reservations and complete billing.

  • After your account is created, contact your PI to be assigned a project billing number.

Step 3: Complete Your Chemical Safety Training

Users requesting access to the Cleanroom or Analytical Lab are required to complete the Chemical Safety Training. (If using only advanced imaging tools, skip this step).

  • Log in to SkyVU/ORACLE
  • "Me" menu, select "Learning"
  • Search and enroll in “Chemical and Physical Safety for Research Labs”
  • Email VINSE a screenshot of the completion report

Step 4: Complete Lab Specific Training

*Reminder - only complete the training for the labs you plan to use


  1. Watch: Cleanroom Orientation Video
  2. Review: Cleanroom Safety Plan & Conduct of Operations Manual
  3. Complete: Acknowledgement Form


  1. Watch: Analytical Orientation Video
  2. Review: Analytical Lab Safety Plan & Code of Operations Manual
  3. Complete: Acknowledgement Form

Advanced Imaging

  • No orientation — tool-specific training is scheduled upon request

Step 5: Join VINSE in iLab

  • Find VINSE under "Core Facilities" and request access.